Chapter 1 ♟

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Chapter 1 -- Wolf Rising

I was in the clear now, I managed to elude the perimeter guards since they didn't think any female could even get this far. Idiots! I was determined to get out of this charade, this mockery of a mating 'game'. No male was going to mate with me just because they caught me in some made-up excuse of avoiding a relationship, not offering a choice, to just take what they wanted.

Not this she-wolf. Not now, not ever. But my wolf howled inside my head to stay, refusing to shift and doing everything she could to make me stay within the boundaries of the 'playing field'. 'Knock it off!' I yelled at her.

I rested against a tree, looking at the nearby alley. I needed to focus to make sure the vacant street wasn't a trap, and I waited a few minutes to make sure I could disappear into the city. I had a map of the local bus routes and times and enough money to get to a wilderness area a few hours away. I had a plan.

My wolf was restless and arguing with my decision, she wanted to stay and play 'the game'. Well I wasn't having anything to do with it. 'Stay!' I heard from her. Stupid wolf.

'Not stupid, mate is close! Stay!' I ignored her just shaking my head. I had no mate and just wanted to go home, I just wanted to go home.

My wolf put a picture in my head of my dream last night, of a shirtless and passionate King kissing me. Hard and rough... I had seen him a few days ago in a distant training field and couldn't get the image out of my head. His muscled chest and back, training his Guard and showing them new techniques. I had just stood there and stared until another annoying Guard began yelling at me for something, they were always yelling at me.

But that chest, that back, those abs... those thighs...

'Stop it!' I shouted at my wolf, I had to think clearly now. I just felt my wolf smirking at me, she knew my weaknesses of course.

But the consequences of being caught were severe and made me pause for a few moments. Finally making up my mind I raced across the now empty 4-lane street and disappeared into this strange city, into this strange neighborhood absolutely convinced that being on the run was my new life for the foreseeable future.

Homeless and without friends here. It was a good thing I knew how to survive on the streets and in the wild, it was a good thing I was a strong wolf and a Delta Warrior and had experienced urban combat as well as 'jungle' fighting. And it was a good thing I didn't want to throw up right now- ok the last part was a lie but I ran fast anyways disappearing into the anonymity that a city could offer.


A short time later a huge, gruff, handsome man wearing only shorts stood by the same tree with his arms crossed looking around the edge of the city. "Did she really leave the 'games'?"

"Yes King," came a reply by a slightly smaller man dressed in fatigues looking in the same direction as the larger one. The same direction the young she-wolf had been looking. The King sniffed the air again and let out a long sigh.

Then huffing out a deep breath and running his hand through his dark brown hair, the 'King' looked at his Beta who was his second in command. "Send half the guards into the city to find her now, and send the remaining guards after the 'games' have ended later tonight."

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