Life of a Malfoy ch. 16

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As soon as I stepped out of the fire and into one of the smaller rooms in the manor, I gritted my teeth. I started walking up the stairs to my room, and the house was surprisingly quiet. It was ony an hour before the dinner started, and I still had to get ready.   

"I'm home!" I shouted, to the dust bunnies. Nobody answered for a minute, until I heard feet shuffling.  

"Dria," Narcissa Malfoy shouted "Is that you?" I glared at nothing in particular, and continued up the steps. She was in one of the bedrooms upstairs, probably Draco's. I didn't want to answer her back, so I just stuck my head into Draco's bedroom and managed a pretty decent fake smile.   

"Hello," I said, and then walked into my bedroom across the hall. I set my bags down on the floor as soon as I entered. I studied the room.   

It was the exact same as I had left it four months ago. My jewelry was tidied up and hanging on numerous mini hangers above me desk, my pieces of parchment were neatly stacked, and my bed was perfectly made. Pippy, our house elf, was moving my chair back to it's place my my desk.   

"Sorry mistress Alexandria, Pippy was dusting your room," Pippy squeaked. Okay, she was really cute. I mean, in a house-elf-kind-of-way cute. House elves weren't the cutest things, but Pippy was adorable.   

"Thank you Pippy!" I said to her, and she left the room seconds later. I closed and locked the door, and put a bathrobe from my closet on. I sat down at my desk and clawed through my jewelry to find something scarlet or gold. After finding a gold necklace, and matching gold earrings, I did my hair and makeup. It was a stupid dinner, but I had to look nice or else my ass would be fried off. The whole 'fancy' idea wasn't anywhere near my vocabulary.   

I finished my hair and makeup, and heard a knock at the door.   

"Yes?"  I asked the door.   

"The dinner starts in ten minutes, so get ready to greet guests," Narcissa said. I heard her walking away, so I took my dress out of my bag and stared at it. Narcissa would hate it. I slipped the dress on, and - with great difficulty - zipped it up. I picked up the jewelry I had laid out, and put it on. Then I found my stilettos in the shoe box, and got them on.    

I looked at myself my full body mirror. My dress hugged my curves at the right places, and made my too-pale skin look slightly tanner. My makeup was done lightly, with gold and silver eyeshadow, and dark mascara and eyeliner. I officially declared myself as the top fashion witch. I grabbed my wand off the desk and lifted up my arm. I carefully stuck my wand down my dress, where it would be concealed.   

I heard another knock at the door.   

"Come downstairs, now," Narcissa declared in a very stern voice. I scowled, and waited to leave my room until she was off the level. I heard footsteps, and decided it was safe to exit. I glanced one last time in the mirror, opened the door, and quickly walked out. Draco appeared out of nowhere right when I closed the door, and knocked into me.   

"Watch where you're going," I said, with a plain tone, and glared at him.   

"What are you wearing?!" he muttered with disgust, and stared icily at my scarlet dress. He shot daggers at me, and I smiled.  

"Do you like it? I do." I turned around, and walked down the stairs. I could feel Draco's cold stare on me as I strutted down the steps.  

My heart was racing, and had just won first place. I felt like I was going to throw up, but I kept my blank poker face on. As I stalked down the hallway to the Dining Hall, I heard voices. They weren't too loud, but they were loud enough that I could hear them. Narcissa was outside of the Hall holding a door open, for guests that were already in the Hall. I bet she was waiting for Draco and me.    

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