Chapter Twenty

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Delilah's point of view

"Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do." Connor had sung as Vickrim and I came stumbling in from the cold wet outside, into his toasty warm house. The fire place lit and I could feel that the floors were heated too.

Connor stood shirtless in boxers with a full bottle of milk in his hand and then gulped down a huge helping before attempting to sing again "oh it's what you do to me, oh it's what you do-" he paused and then squinted his eyes at Vickrim.

"Man is that my fucking sweatpants?" He asked pointing the milk at Vick.

"Yeah, I grabbed it by mistake." Vick shrugged and then stared at him "Honestly Connor put a fucking shirt on, its raining outside, it's fucking freezing."

"Yes mummy." He smirked imitating a little British boy and then turned to face me.

"Hey there Delilah what's it like-" he began again with a sexy little smirk playing on his lips but I was in no mood for his playfulness. All I wanted to do was just go to bed and forget all of this had ever happened, forget that I  had pecked Vickrim on his cheek and forget that he had rejected my invitation.

"Not now Connor." I paused looking at Vick "I'm going to head to bed." I said feeling slightly ill, I just wanted to get away from him, away from Vickrim, I just didn't want to deal with anymore awkwardness, so I jogged up the staircase, still soaking wet feeling the motion of my wet clothes rub against each other.

Connor's Point Of View

"What the fuck man, what's wrong with her?" I pointed up the empty staircase as Vickrim stood in my sweatpants which honestly looked better on me.

I don't understand why he tries to compete, it's a loosing battle.

But my fucking mind then shifted on how upset Delilah was and honestly I wanted to know what's up.

She's my baby girl and all.

"It's nothing man, I would rather have that we don't discuss it." He nodded running his hand through his wet hair, sprinkling little water droplets onto the floor.

"Doesn't seem like nothing." I cocked my head back and then placed my milk bottle down onto the table that stood against the wall, below a painting of some French building and...I fucking went after her, I had to go after her.

I stepped up the staircase as his voice reached me.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" I paused "I'm going after her."

"Why?" He seemed curious, his eyes burning at me.

"She's upset, I'm concerned." I said simply but his gaze never dropped.

I hope this has nothing to do with her father.

"Concerned? Why the fuck would you be concerned?" His voice raising its level, I was slightly amused.

Now now Vicky Vick, watch that temper.

"I am her friend therefore, I suppose I have the right to be concerned as much as you do.." I paused to think "but you don't seem much concerned at all." I smirked. "Why is that?"

"It's my fault she's upset." He sighed shifting awkwardly. "But you aren't going anywhere near her, you hear me? Stay the fuck away from her and Connor that's not friendly advice, that's a demand!" He said seriously and then I came stepping down the staircase rolling my eyes,

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