Chapter Thirty-One - Unexplained Anger

Start from the beginning

         "Dad, I was safe! I was with River and his friends." I retaliate.

         Maybe that's the problem though. My father doesn't trust River.

         "And that's another thing, which I think is the problem here." My father nods, narrowing his eyes a little. "River Parker."

         I knew it.

         As soon as he says his name, I swallow. I know exactly what's coming now, and there is no way of stopping it.

         "I thought we both agreed that you would not have any distractions in your life at such a critical stage in your education." He says as his brows are pulled upwards, enforcing his point.

         "What do you mean? What distraction?" I play dumb.

         No way in hell am I going to let my dad think that River is a distraction. My father has always admired the way in which I deal with boys – by simply avoiding them at all costs – and I'm not going to let him think that my life is being dictated by one boy. 

         Because it's not.

         Yes, it kind of is.

         "River Parker, the distraction." My dad says as if stating the obvious.

         In an attempt to hide my feelings, I roll my eyes, as if to say that what he's said is the stupidest thing ever. "Dad, please," I sigh, wanting to avoid the subject at any cost.

         "I will keep my rules the same, and that won't change. Exam season is coming up Lea, and you're not allowed to date, you should know that by now." He says, and something dies inside of me.

         Oh yes - the 'no-dating' pact that my father and I have when it comes to exams.

         Before, the agreement didn't mean anything to me, because boys were non-existent in my life. However, now I feel a sting within in me when my father reminds me of this pact, because I think, just maybe, that River and I may have had a chance. Just maybe.

         "Dad, River and I aren't dating." I blurt quickly.

         His eyes search mine for a moment too long, identifying whether or not I'm lying. When he doesn't speak for a good ten seconds, I speak instead, trying to reassure him.

         "We're just friends, Dad," I state – and it's true, we are friends, I think.

However, there is a large part of me that wants to be so much more.

         "Well, good." He replies, hesitantly – unsure of whether to believe me or not.

All three of us sit in silence for a moment, my dad's eyes are on my mothers, and they're doing that communicating-through-body-language thing. Meanwhile, I stare at the floor, counting how many marble tiles cover the floor that isn't hidden by the large rug.

        "Okay, well, Lea you can go now. Get some sleep; school's tomorrow." My mother reminds me, pushing herself off of the sofa.

         Following her lead, I get up from my seat and shuffle around the coffee table.

         "Good night," I tell them both, making my way towards the door.

         "Good night sweetie," my mother throws me a quick smile.

         Satisfied that this serious family meeting is over sooner than I expected, I reach for the handle of the door and tug downwards, pulling it towards me. However, my eyes shoot up when I almost collide with another person - River. It's obvious that he was eavesdropping. He most likely had his ear pressed up against the wood, and that's why he jumped away so quickly.

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