I Believe

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Scott never did answer the question. He just shook his head and walked inside. I heard some footsteps and then a door slam. I assumed it was his bedroom door.

I sighed looking off at the tree. Who was Katie? What happened with them? I had so many questions but, it was clear that Scott didn’t want to answer. I sat on the bench for a couple of minutes before deciding on taking a shower. I remembered there being a shower upstairs. I jogged up the stairs taking them two at a time. When I reached the top I heard music blaring which caused me to stop outside of Scott’s door.

I wanted to check on him but, I felt like it would be easier just to leave him be. I walked in to my polka dotted bedroom noticing some things that I hadn’t bothered to notice. There was a lavender rug on the floor and a pink lamp on a bed side table.

I took it all in as I made my way to my closet. In my gigantic closet, I had a small chest of drawers that I put my underwear and bras in. I found a lavender set and walked to the bathroom.

The shower was hot and relaxing. I stood under the water for a good 10 minutes just enjoying the feeling of it on my skin. I can’t believe they have showers as nice as this. It was all nice, expensive looking stainless steel. The walls were painted a light green and there were blue circles on the wall.

I climbed out of the shower and reached for a towel. Towel. “Shit!” I screamed as I realized I forgot a towel. How could I forget a towel? I dreaded the thought of having to ask Scott to bring me a towel. Maybe I could sneak back to my room without hi noticing. After all, he was listening to some loud music.

I slowly opened the door and turned off the bathroom light. I walked down the hallway to my door. Yes. I made it, I thought. I was about to open the door when I heard a door open. I turned around to see Scott staring at my bare body.

“AAAAAHHHH!” I screamed struggling to cover my body.

“Whoa.” Scott said covering his eyes and backing up into his room.

I quickly opened my door and ran into my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I put my back against the door and slid down to where I was sitting there holding my knees to my chest.

I can’t believe what Scott did. I wasn’t referring to the whole opening his door because it was an accident. He covered his eyes. He didn’t stand there and smirk. He didn’t make a move. He didn’t start kissing me. He didn’t do anything but, cover his eyes and retreat to his room. Like a gentleman. I believed him now. I had to.

The thought of him not being a player. The thought made my heart flutter with excitement. I could now let my heart go ahead and let its guard down. The thought made me smile. It wasn’t until I heard a knock on my door that I realized I was still sitting on the floor hugging my knees.

“One minute.” I said as I ran to my closet. I put on a pair of jean short shorts a t shirt with a panda in the front.

I walked to the door and opened it. Scott was standing there unable to meet my eyes.

“Scott it’s okay to look at me. I know it was an accident. I forgot my towel.” I said.

“So you’re not mad at me. I swear I didn’t see anything.”

“I believe you.” I said sincerely.

“Good.” He said smiling, finally meeting my eyes.

“I also believe you’re not a player.”

“Finally.” Scott said sighing. He smiled at me and scratched his head.

“We cool?” Scott said

“We cool.” I replied smiling.

I closed the door as Scott walked back to his room.

What to do. I thought about checking Facebook but, I didn’t really want to see my old friends’ statuses. It would only make me sad. Instead I got on my iPod and went on Wattpad. It made my day to see that my favorite author updated so, I spent the next half hour catching up on my reading until I finally fell asleep. Thinking of Scott.


My favorite author is Hooha84. Thank you for your support and undertstanding. Thank you to everyone who has read my book. I love it so very much, and I count every new reader. Thank you all. Please comment and vote and pass the book on to your friends.

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