Chapter Two

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Yes, yes I know its been a while, and im sorry about that. Considering that life got busy and I lost my notebook with my stories in it.... I kind forgot where I was going with.... be glad that dukeoflilac commented or otherwise, I would not be updating. That is why this chapter is for them; they reminded me that I had stories on here... so yeah... hope you enjoy.


Chapter Two


I kept my head down on the table as my doom came closer and closer. When he reached our table in the back, he stood by the empty chair, waiting expectantly. When I didn’t move, he said, “Aren’t you going to move your things so I may sit down?” Without looking up, I reached out and grabbed my bag and pulled it off the chair and let it drop to the floor with a loud thud. He pulled out his seat. “You shouldn’t be carrying around so many heavy things.” He said to me. I peek up to see him frowning slightly at me, Sarah and Davis’ confused looks, and everyone else in the class staring at our table instead of listening to Mr. Reed. Why wasn’t he yelling or threatening me like I thought he would be? It had been the only thing that would have made sense, but since he wasn’t, I was completely confused.

Nathan looked around at the other students and glared at them. They quickly looked down at their desks or at the teacher. I was grateful to have their stares away from me, but I would preferred their stares over their whispers. Once everyone had looked away, Nathan reached down and pulled my seat towards his. “I don’t like you sitting so far from me.” He whispered. I shivered and leaned away towards the wall. I felt like I was going to be sick. If my gut was telling me the right thing, I was in serious trouble. “Why did you run from me little mate?” Nathan whispered in my ear so only I could hear. My heart stopped beating for a moment before shakily continuing. Shit. I was right. I was his mate and I was going to be sick. Literally. I picked up my head and looked at Sarah. She was staring at us from the corner of her eye while David was outright staring. “Bathroom,” I mouthed to her before I pushed back my seat and darted for the door, mouth over my hand. I ignored Nathan’s questions and everyone’s stares. I could hear someone running after me, but I kept running until I hit the nearest bathroom. I barely had time to get into the stall before I started barfing my guts out. I tensed when I felt hands holding my hair but relaxed when I heard Sarah’s voice. “It’s alright Ashley, take deep breaths. What happened? You looked fine before school.” She said in a calming voice.

My body shook from the tears and dry heaves. I managed to take a couple of deep breaths before I spat out. “Nathan happened.” Sarah’s hands froze. “You’re not his… you know, right?” She asked hestatinantly. When I nodded my head, she moaned. “Oh God. You may have to move over and let me share that bowl.” I barely managed a small smile before I turned my attention back to the white bowl.

For the rest of the period Sarah tried calming me down enough to leave the bathroom. When she asked if I was going to stay, I shook my head quickly. I had no plans whatsoever on going back where I would more than likely see Nathan. Sarah nodded, agreeing with me. “Alright then, I am going to go get our stuff and then I am going to take you home.” She declared before leaving the bathroom stall, glancing over her shoulder as she walked away. When the door closed after her, I instantly heard voices talking. I had the feeling it was Nathan who was waiting outside the bathroom, waiting for me to reemerge. Voices raised slightly and I shivered, hugging my knees close. I prayed that Sarah wouldn’t do anything stupid and get herself hurt. Werewolves with an alpha bloodline were known to have a short temper span. It was silent for a while and I closed my eyes and rested my head on my knees. The door was pushed open and heavy footsteps walked towards me. My head had snapped up at the sound before quickly going back down. I huddled down in a tighter ball, stupidly hoping that he wouldn’t see me. I didn’t look up when I felt him kneel down next to me. “Ashley,” He murmured. My body shuddered and I felt my stomach heave. I quickly turned back to the toilet, prepared to throw up again. Warm hands gathered my hair and rubbed my back, instantly making me feel better. I struggled to breath properly while ignoring the sparks racing from his hands through out my body. “Are you alright?” He asked gently. I glared at him. “Do I look alright?” I snapped, not in the mood for his stupidness.

“You look perfect.” He said seriously. I could only stare at him shock before shaking my head. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, focusing on breathing properly. Nathan sat on the dirty floor with me until Sarah came back with my bag and books. “Change of plans Ash. Uhhh Nathan here is going to take you home.” Sarah said, looked upset and annoyed when I looked at her. I sighed, knowing that it wasn’t her I should be mad at. Nathan wasted no time putting my books into my bag and swinging it into his back. He stood up and before I could react, he had picked me up was carrying me out the door.

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