Chapter 17:

Mulai dari awal

"It's none of your business." Dean grumbled, she snapped her fingers, and Castiel's stomach was soon was lunged with a knife. He screamed out, Dean panicked. "Because, I don't know I was curious." Dean shouted, Diana smirked, and made her demon take out the knife. Then healing the new human.

"Now Cas, lets ask you the same. What attracted you to Dean?" Diana asked.

"I guess it was because, I don't know. Ever since I meant him, he was different." he paused, "He made me rebel against heaven, I guess he made me.." Castiel shrugged.

"Do you both love each other?" she asked the two of them. Neither of them answered, "Seriously we have to do this again?" This time the door swung open, and in came Sam knocked out. A knife pressed to throat.

"Why do you care?" Dean asked.

"Because, I want you two to say you love each other, and then both of you die." she smirked. "Like Romeo, and Juliet." Diana said, messing around with the blade. Where the hell is Taylor? Castiel kept wondering. "So do you love each other?" Diana asked.

"Yes." Dean spoke up.

"How much Dean?" Diana asked.

"I love him, with all my heart, and soul. Everything I do, I do it for him, I want him to love me like he used to. Because I love him." Dean said, his eyes not leaving Castiel's blue eyes, which were filling with tears.

"Bravo!" she clapped, "Cas, your turn." she said looking at Castiel.

Castiel looked down, a tear rolling out of his eye, and then in came Taylor. "So your the bitch who tried to come between my boys?" Taylor smirked, running at Diana, and killing her big demons in the process. Diana dodged the first time Taylor tried to slice her, before kicking Taylor in the stomach.

"And your the angel bitch who decided not to tell Cas, Dean, and Sam about me." Diana said, running at her, and Taylor shooting Diana crossing the room. Making her groan. While the time, Dean managed to rub out of the wires, and cut himself deep. He jumped up, taking a blade, and cutting Castiel's cord. Letting Castiel go. Dean ran at Sam, blocking Diana being thrown towards the wall. Dean cut Sam's cord, slapping Sam's face, and he woke up.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Lets go." Dean said, helping Sam up, and nearing the door. But stopped at the door's slamming, he turned around, and faced Diana. Taylor's neck was being stepped on by Diana, who was flipping the knife, and smirking at them.

"You leave, she dies." Diana said.

"Go to hell." Dean snarled.

"Actually I'm good up here." Diana smirked, in a second Sam was running at Diana, and had her pinned to the ground. He held her arms above his head, then she rolled over so she was on top of him. "Oh Sammy, I'm sorry. I'm not Ruby, I don't humans." she frowned, getting ready to stab him, and Dean was running full sprint towards him.

But then appeared Taylor, as the knife plunged into her chest. Her eyes lighting up, and everything getting bright. Then she exploded, leaving only her vessel, and blood dripping out of her mouth. Sam panicked, as Dean shoved the demon knife into Diana's back. Sam threw her off, keeping Taylor on top of him. He gently rolled her off, starring down at her body. "No." he said, as tears formed in his eyes.

"Sam, are you okay?" Dean asked, looking around for Castiel, who wasn't anywhere to seen. "Cas?" Dean shouted, "I'll be back." he ran out of the room, into the hallway, and stopping when he saw a sobbing Castiel. "Cas?" he asked, nearing Castiel. "Are you okay?" Dean asked sitting next to him.

"Taylor is dead, because of me." he sobbed.

"No she didn't." Dean said.

"I did." Castiel sobbed. "She came because of me." he paused, "She came here because I came here to save you." he sobbed, Dean wrapped his arm around Castiel, and tried to calm him down.

"I need to go check on Sammy, your going to be okay?" Dean asked.

"Probably not." Castiel mumbled, Dean stood up, and walked into the large room. Sam hadn't moved, just starred down at her.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked.

"Fine." Sam stood up. "Lets bury these bodies." he wiped his nose.

"Sam." Dean said.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Sam walked pasted him, hitting his shoulder in the process, and walking out. Now I have to two people who are hurt, Dean thought. He picked up Taylor, her vessel was surprisingly light, and took her outside. Setting her down, the grabbing Diana, and taking her outside. He set them both down, lighting them on fire, and watching as there bodies burned.

"Are you guys ready? We should head back to the bunker." Dean said.

"Good idea." Sam said. "I need to sleep in a nice bed." they got into the Impala, driving off, and turning up the radio. Both Sam, and Castiel were very quite. Neither of them wanting to speak, Castiel was peering out the window in the back, and sometimes looking up at Dean. Sam however was different, he watched the tree's pass, and Dean drove. But Dean wanted to know Castiel's answer, does Castiel love him? I mean he left Diana for you, Dean thought. But he didn't answer Diana, when she asked him, he thought.

He decided not to ask Castiel for a few days, not until both Sam, and Castiel were in better condition. Now we have no angel, the last angel ever was killed, and only a necklace. We need to find God, Now. Dean thought, as he set his new mission .Finding God, so everything can back to normal.

Clarity. (Destiel FanFiction) BEING EDITED!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang