All of it made Zain cry. "Why didn't you ask to stay here?"

"I didn't want your family to know what happened. I didn't want their pity."

"Well, what do you want, then?"

"I want to train at this school with you. Gazo's, is it? I want to be able to protect people before it's too late. . . ."

"I . . . I—"

"Zain! Zakk! Where are you?" Jarson called.

"We have to go. I'll talk to my parents about it."

"Don't tell them about my family."

"But, why? You told me."

"You're the only one I've ever told. Don't tell them. Lie if you have to. Please."

"Okay . . ."

Zain didn't keep it a secret though. He couldn't. He knew Zakk didn't want to continue living like that. They agreed to enroll Zakk into the program under their sponsorship only if he allowed himself to stay with them. Zakk agreed and, in time, came to forgive Zain for telling, but ever since then, they had been advancing together through the program. Originally Zain wanted to do it just as a way to stay in shape and to learn to defend himself, but after Zakk's confession, he championed his friend's vision to protect people, no matter the cost.

The five large trophies, as tall as Zain's forearm, stood as testament to his triumph over Zakk during the years. Fifteen other trophies of similar height stood on Zakk's side of the wall. Zain would have never known Zakk was a natural fighter from the way he hit with the wooden sword, but there was a passion that ignited when Zain told him that his parents were enrolling him. He wondered if it was because he had betrayed Zakk's secret. Now Zakk was going to compete at the Trials hosted by Guardian Edwyrd Eska, if the letter was correct. Great . . .

"Zain, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"There must be something. Are you not happy for me?"

"I am. . . . It's just that . . . Kendel couldn't complete his training session today. I can't advance yet."

"We don't always need to advance together."

Yes, we do, is what Zain would have liked to say, but instead he said, "I guess not."

"It doesn't matter anyways though."

"What do you mean by that?" Zain looked at his friend, who stood the same height, with the same dark-skinned complexion, and the same dirt-brown eyes. Where Zain had cropped hair like his brother though, Zakk had long braids that extended past the shoulders. Zakk also had a tattoo of Viper,the sword he used to win his first tournament—a sword he'd had made using the money from Zain's family.

"Guardian Eska is arranging my transport to be at Lake Kilmer tomorrow."

"It didn't say that in the letter."

"A separate telecard told me that."

 An awkward silence crept into the apartment. Zakk stepped from the kitchen to the main living space and picked up the letter that Zain had left on the small glass coffee table in front of him. Zain looked at Zakk and sighed. "Are you coming to eat with me and my mom tonight?"

"I can't. I have packing to do. You'll be okay here, by yourself?"

"I'll figure something out. Take care." Zain threw on a wind jacket specially stitched with Gazo's logo and headed to the door. At the threshold, he paused and turned back. "Hey, Zakk?"

The Trials of the Core (GotC #1)Where stories live. Discover now