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Damn. The first day of second semester was something else. A new boy came to school. I have no classes with Mia but I have gym with Zoe... And Wes. Remind me again why I took Co-Ed gym?

I know I know. Why should I be complaining about having a hot boy. THE NEW hot boy, taking to me and in 2 of my classes. Honestly; I just don't want to get hurt again. I just haven't been ready to give myself to someone since Colton.

Colton is my ex boyfriend whom I dated for about 8 months last year. We met at the movies. He was with his guy friends and I was with Mia and Zoe. I caught a glimpse of him walking into the same movie we were going to see; "Kingsmen" and I thought he was cute. I told Mia and Zoe and they teased me about it the whole night. Mia ended up going over to him and his friends once the movie was over and getting his number for me. We then talked every night for about a month. We had so much in common, we talked about everything and I kind of just fell for his personality and not to mention his perfectly messy brown hair and his amazing smile. We then went on a date, he took me out to eat and it was pretty cute. And the rest is history.

We broke up because he ended up cheating on me with his friends cousin who was visiting from Greece. Victoria. Ugh I hate that...never mind. ANYWAY; I just haven't been able to even believe for a second that another guy could actually like me; and for real this time. I have no trust in guys what's so ever now after what Colton did to me; so I'm really hoping I can stay as far away from Wes as possible. Even tho ignoring his adoring smile will be hard.

*Ugh Aspyn are you falling for him already?! Stop yourself now missy!*

*ring ring* *ring ring*

A: "Hello?"
W:"Hey Aspyn its me, Wes.."
A:"Ugh. How did you get my number!"
W:"Let's just say I have my connections ;)"
A:"I can feel you winking though the phone, anyways what do you want..?"
W:"To take you out"
A:"HA! No."
W:"Why not?! Come on. There's a really cool Cafe down town I've been dying to go to ever since I moved here. Can you please come with me, I swear I don't bite"
A:"Yeah I know... It's called Elliot Cafe... And fine but this is not a date"
W:Ayyyy great. I'll pick you up at 7?"
A:"But you don't know where I live.."
W:"Well. Are you going to tell me?"
A"16 Walling St.

Did Wes just ask me out? Oh my god what am I getting myself into. Why did I say yes?! Well, I made it very clear that this isn't a date so it shouldn't be that bad. OH MY GOD! WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?!?!

I really hope this goes well. I haven't been anywhere alone with a boy since Colton. I know I said I didn't want this to be a date, but I mean... Wes is so cute and he's talking to me. ASPYN SCOTT. I'll just have to be very carful.

I ended up picking out a pair of dark wash jeans and paired it with a casual v-neck blue tee. I then chose my all black vans to go with because black matches everything. I then just touched up the makeup I had on earlier at school.


Wes is here. Right on time too. 6:59pm is what read on the clock as I open my door to a very nervous Wes.

As I opened up my door Wes was turned around, his back faceing me. As soon as he noticed I was waiting he turned around with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
He's so sweet, he got get me flowers!? Maybe he isn't so bad at all... But at the same time I don't have trust in him. He's the new boy, very misterious, cute; but misterious and I do not trust him on bit. I took the flowers and thanked him and put them in a vase with water, grabbed my bag and headed out to Wes' car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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