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I fell asleep almost instantly when my head hit the pillow of my new bed. I left my suitcases on the porch but I would retrieve them later when I awoke from my nap.

Scott’s words kept replaying in my head. Player? Of course he was one. He probably dated a different girl every week for all the wrong reasons. I hate that its true but then again it’s probably best that I don’t get involved with anyone.

I have had boyfriends before though. My last boyfriend was Marcus. He was a really sweet guy. He had dirty blond hair and misty green eyes that reminded me of a forest after a summer rain. We dated for three months but, it came to an end when…it happened.

I remember that night like it was yesterday even though it was 3 years ago. I remember the dinner, the long car drive, and most of all, the silence that seemed to consume me with every move I made.

Ryan was my little brother. Then he died.

My family and I had decided to take Marcus out for dinner to congratulate him on making the basketball team. He had just turned 16 and had gotten his license the day before tryouts.

When we took him to dinner, we had a great time but, Ryan started feeling sick. Marcus, being the cutie he is, said we should take him home and put him to bed so that he could rest and get better,

When we were about to leave, my dad asked Marcus if he would like to drive home and well, it happened. Ryan started puking up blood all over the back seat so Marcus drove us straight to the hospital instead.

A drunk driver swerved and wrecked us that night. We all walked away with just minor injuries but, Ryan was killed on impact.

Marcus didn’t want to break us up but, after the accident and my brother’s death he couldn’t stand to face my parents. They knew it wasn’t his fault but, they still were grieving. My parents always fought before then but, after the death of my brother, they fought a lot more.

I loved Marcus. He was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

*Scott’s P.O.V*


I’m not a player. I haven’t had a girlfriend in two years I thought. I went to my room and slammed the door shut.

“Sometimes, I can’t stand women.”

I almost laughed at my own words. I never felt this frustrated at a girl before, besides the girls who hang all over me all the time. I honestly hate that they do that. They treat me like a god and not just a regular person.

I thought Megan was like that but, she is surely different. She has a fiery attitude that just makes her seem all the more hot. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind and I have never had a girl push me away with such force. Maybe my spell did not work on her. She obviously seemed immune to it.

Or maybe she has seen better? I wonder when her last boyfriend was, or maybe she has one? If she does I have to break them up. She has something that just seems so…different.

I have never felt this way before. It’s like her words are poison and when she says something like player, I feel the pain and effect it has on me. She surely is something special.

Maybe I should talk to her.

I opened my door and walked across the hall to hear crying coming from her room.

“Maybe she needs a shoulder to cry on?” I whispered to myself.

I went to open the door but, it was locked.

“Damn.”, I said maybe a little too loud because before I knew it I heard footsteps coming from her room.

She unlocked her door and swung it open full of rage. Her face was blotchy from tears and her eyes were glassy with them. Her cheeks were red but she didn’t seem to care.

“Can I help you?” she said in a not so caring tone.

“Uh...uh…uh”, I stuttered

Did I seriously just stutter I thought. How did she have this effect on me? I was supposed to be the one who made people stutter, not her.

She smiled noticing what she had done then she began tapping her foo as if waiting for an answer.

“Ok look, I heard you crying so I wanted to come check on you but your door was locked.”

“Oh. I was sleeping and then I just started thinking about things and started crying.”

“Do you wanna talk about it?” I asked truly concerned.

She furrowed her eyebrows as though thinking over her answer. Then she looked angry.

“No, I don’t want you or your stupid comforting player technique!”

*Megan’s P.O.V*

I heard sounds coming from outside my door so I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and realized they were partially swollen from tears. I walked to the door and swung it open about to yell at Scott for all of the noise he was making.

I questioned him but then went into shock. Did he just stutter? I made him stutter! I made him stutter! I sung in my mind as my heart did back flips.

When I told him about me crying in my sleep, my excitement was eliminated and I began to feel the sorrow of Ryan and Marcus forcing into my emotions once more.

I wasn’t about to let a player comfort me. He was probably using it as some excuse to hold me close. I wasn’t falling for it though.

“No, I don’t want you or your stupid comforting player technique!”, I screamed in his face.

“I’m not a player!” He screamed back, equally as frustrated.

“Yeah, right.”

“I really am not, I haven’t had a girlfriend in two years!” he blurted out.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Either I figured him up wrong or he is lying to me. It doesn’t matter though because I am too tired and upset to concentrate on it right now.

“Well, I don’t believe you!” I screamed and slammed my door shut again.

“Sometimes I don’t understand men”, I mumbled to myself.

I couldn’t help but giggle at that because I had never felt this frustrated towards a guy before. He was…different.

Hope you guys like this. It was as much fun to write as hopefully it is for you all to read. Please comment, vote, and give me ideas! Update, every few hours because I might update about once or twice a day. We’ll have to see.

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