Chapter Ten

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I had that same nightmare of finding Carrie in the bathroom with her red eyes glowing and then I was being swallowed into complete darkness. I woke up screaming and I tried to stop myself so that I wouldn't wake up Logan. And of course it didn't work.

"You don't have to stay," I said as Logan climbed onto the bed.

"Yes I do." He closed his eyes to go to sleep.

I pushed on his shoulder trying to make him fall off the bed. But he was a lot stronger than me so I barely moved him an inch. "No you don't."

Logan sighed. "If I don't stay, you'll keep me awake. And I want to sleep."

Huh. So he really didn't care about me, all he was worried about was sleep.

"Whatever." I laid back down with my back facing towards Logan. If I couldn't get him to leave, then I would just ignore him.


"What?" I said trying to sound mean.

"Since when did you like Chris?" I turned to look at him, his eyes were closed and he had his arm draped across his face. He must've felt my gaze on him because he moved his arm a little and a blue eye was staring back at me.

"I don't know." I wasn't even sure if I liked Chris in that way, yet. That's why I agreed to go on a date with him to see where it would go.

"Oh," he said closing his eyes again.

"Why do you want to know?"

Logan shrugged, obviously not wanting to answer my quesion. Within a few minutes his breathing was in sync, which meant that he was asleep. 

"Goodnight, Logan," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. I looked at his lips, as I was pulling away from his face. They were a cute pink color and I wanted to kiss them so bad. Becca was lucky that she had kissed them. 

"Night, Hayley."

I gasped causing Logan to smile. If Logan heard me say goodnight, I wonder if he felt me kiss his cheek. I wonder what it would feel like to have him kiss my cheek. From that thought I got butterflies in my stomach.

* * *

Six o'clock came by way to soon. It took me about a half our to find something to wear until I had decided that jeans and a black, long sleeve cardigan along with flats were fine for tonight. Now my hair took me about an hour because I couldn't settle on curly or straight. So I just washed my hair out and let it go to it's natural waves.

"Someone's nervous," Logan said coming into the bedroom.

"Well I haven't been on a date since Luke."

Logan didn't say anything, so I went back to fixing my make up. Molly was sitting on my bed, going through my jewelry box looking for some earrings and a necklace. Lately she had been spending a lot of time with me and we had grown attached, I liked it to because she always kept my mind busy.

"Here!" she said handing me a silver chained necklace. When I saw it, I frowned. Carrie had given me the necklace for my fifteenth birthday. It had a heart shaped pendant with a diamond in the middle of it.

The door bell rang. I didn't have enough time to look for another one, so this would have to do. I threw it on and looked at myself in the mirror one last time. 

"How do I look?" I asked Molly. Logan had left to answer the door so I couldn't ask him.

"Pretty like a princess," Molly said smiling at me.  

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