Polka dots

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*Scott’s P.O.V*

            I’ll be honest, when I first heard that some girl was gonna be living in our house, I had the awful feeling that I was gonna be stuck with some ugly math geek.

I had been preparing for her the next day by making sure all of my stuff was out of the shower and reminded myself to leave my door closed at all times just to make sure the new girl didn’t get snoopy and go through my stuff.

She would probably be all over me like most girls. I wasn’t exactly a player but smooth talking was my main language. I loved it when girls stuttered and were caught off guard and when they feel like I want them they tend to dress up and I think it’s funny to see them apply like 5 pounds of cover girl or something like that.

I heard the doorbell ring and took my time walking downstairs. I wasn’t looking forward to the next few days and the fact that this new girl was my age, made it a lot worse.

When I opened the door I was shocked and surprised. There stood a beautiful girl just below my height. She had beautiful black curls that hung around her face and down past her shoulders and she smiled at me with beautifully white teeth. She smelled of honey suckles and had brown eyes that you just wanted to gaze in forever.

“Hello there beautiful”, I said trying my best not to stare. I smiled my biggest smile and watched as she checked me out.

When she stuttered, I kind of felt my stomach drop and I felt like there was no reason to continue. So as usual, I just played the smooth talk and left it at that. If she wasn’t going to treat me like I was a regular person then she didn’t deserve my time.

When her mom left, I walked her inside and watched her gawk at how big the house was. I guess with me having lived here all my life I was used to it, but she wasn’t obviously. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed me an apple as she just stood inside the door, mouth hanging open.

“Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.”, I said cockily. I had to keep playing the cocky, smart-a**, smooth talker until she finally gave up on me.

She suddenly closed her mouth embarrassed and she started to blush. What was with this girl? She seemed so special at first but now, she is just like the rest.

*Megan’s P.O.V*

When I walked in the door I was bombarded by many fancy and expensive things. It was a nice house, I mean really nice. It had a flat screen tv in the living room and the living room was about half the size of my house. They had a nice sectional couch that was a pure white.

Kind of like Scott’s teeth. I can’t believe he is a player. He is so cute but I don’t do players so I guess I should just move on and not even bother with him. I’m just gonna back track my ways and pretend I’m not into him. After all, aren’t most players’ jerks.

Scott walked out of the kitchen eating an apple. So I pushed back all thoughts of him and acted like I don’t like him at all.

“Where’s my room?” I asked.

“Upstairs, first door on the left, right across from mine.”

“Great”, I said sarcastically

“What? You don’t want to be near me”, he said as he walked closer to me.

“Not really.”

“Well then be like that.” he said in an unoffended tone.

I walked upstairs into my room to find it covered in pink and purple polka dots. It had a nice king sized bed, a desk, a makeup vanity, and a flat screen tv on the wall. Over to the right was a walk in closet and even though it all was enough to make me faint or jump up and down screaming, I kept it calm, aware that Scott was behind me.

“Like it?” he said in a husky tone. I hadn’t realized how close he was standing behind me and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. As much as it made me want to melt into his arms, I pushed him away.

“Have you ever heard of personal space? I don’t care if you are a no good player, if you ever touch me again I swear I will kick you’re a**. Got it?”

I hadn’t realized how mean I was until the words were in the air but, what could I do. If I was mean to him then maybe he would quit pulling his moves on me and leave me alone.

I walked in my room and slammed the door making sure to lock it so he wouldn’t come in.

“Player?” I heard him mumble from behind the door then I heard his footsteps and the room across from mine door slamed.


My chapters may be short but to be honest, I just feel like there is a natural break at some of these places. Thank you to those who are reading this. Even if it is only a few, let me tell you a comment would make my day.

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