Cutest Not Couple?

Start from the beginning

Ring. Ring.
Next period. Ah 2 more until I can leave. Next period is...... P.E.
Fantastic. Me and Hanji aren't in this class together so we'll just wait and see. I went into the girls locker room and found the gym teacher. "I'm a new student and I need a uniform." She glanced at me and grabbed me a uniform. "Thanks." And I walked out to get changed. The uniform consisted of a white T-Shirt with the words 'TITAN' on it in maroon, with really short maroon shorts. I walked out and got a lot of looks from a bunch of boys. Good thing I shaved my legs. I looked around and spotted Sasha. Maybe I could be her friend. She noticed me walking over to her.
"Hey (Y/N)!" She waved. I smiled and greeted her. "So what are we doing in P.E.?" "Dodge ball." She said with no emotion but her eyes said she was scared. "O-Oh. Okay." Finally the Gym Teacher came. "Dodge ball. 2 Captains. Levi and Eren." They both walked up and chose people. Levi's team consisted of: Me, Armin, Jean, Sasha, and Connie. The opposing team had: Erwin, Marco, Petra, Annie, and Mikasa.

*~*3/4s of a Dodge Ball game later *~*

It was me and Levi against Petra and Mikasa. Mikasa threw the ball towards me but I was able to dodge but I ran into Levi causing us to both fall. Him on top of me. I felt my face heat up as his piercing gray eyes staring into my (E/C) ones. Petra cleared her throat he quickly got off of me and rubbed the back of his neck. Petra looked at me and boy did she look pissed. She took the dodge ball and slammed it into my stomach. And let me tell you it wasn't one of those little sponge balls. It was a rubber ball going 20 miles per hour into my chest. I came crashing down to the ground. I coughed a bit as my sight became hazy. Damn it, I'm out! I heard screaming, then everything went black.


I opened my eyes to a blinding white light. Where am I? I was in a white room on a bed. I must be in the Nurses Office or something. I heard footsteps and immediately closed my eyes again.

"Is she going to be okay?" It was a voice I wan't quite familiar with but I knew who it was. Levi.

"Yes she'll be fine. She'll just have a bruise on her tummy for a bit. Nothing too major. Once she wakes up, she can leave." I heard him give out a sigh of relief. Why does he care if I'm okay or not? I just shrugged off the that thought. I then heard one pair of footsteps which got harder to hear. So either Levi or the nurse left. I fluttered my eyes open and groaned trying to adjust to the lighting. I saw Levi sitting in the chair beside the bed. He was on his phone. Not surprising. I tried to sit up but felt an excruciating pain on my tummy. I hissed in pain and Levi noticed my pain and pushed me back. "Tch, don't move brat. You took that hit really badly."

"Whatever. Why are you even here? And when can I leave?" I was getting a bit annoyed and my parents are probably worried about me.

"I'm here because Petra almost killed you. And I just wanted to make sure you were okay. And you can leave now if you want. School's over so." He rubbed the back of his neck and I swear I could have seen a tint of pink on his cheeks. Whatever I just want to leave. I got up and ignored the pain. I've been through worse. I grabbed my stuff and walked out. I sensed someone following me I turned around and saw Levi running towards me. Ugh what does he want? He caught up with me and handed me my phone.

"Thanks." I mumbled. And we went on. I think he might live near me. Once I approached my house I noticed my father and mother standing outside as if waiting for me. Me and Levi walked up to the front of my house where my parents were. Their eyes were filled with mixed emotions of anger and sadness. "Where were you? You had your mother and I worried sick about you!" I was about to say something when Levi spoke up.

"She got hit in the stomach with a dodge ball and went unconscious for the rest of the day. Which was only one period." My mother sighed in relief but my dad still looked pissed. "And who is this? Your first day of school and already got a boyfriend?" We both looked at each other. I felt my face heat up.

Levi Ackerman X Reader •Modern AU• One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now