"That's a great question..." he replied. The soft glow of the street lights catch subtle golden strands of his hair, making it look as if he is glowing. That seems to happen alot.

"Come on, you're dragging behind." Connor reaches his hand back, grabbing my good one. Sparks shoot up, causing me to slightly pull away, but before I can, his fingers weave themselves between mine. The heat instantly embraces my arms, moving quickly to my cheeks.

In an effort to distract myself, I look up to the moon. It seemed as though the clouds had wrapped themselves around it, in an effort to conceal it. But the moon's glow passed through a patch of the fluffy clouds, making them brighter than the rest of the sky.

Walking down the street, we turn the corner to where the small complex of stores are.

"Is anything even open at this time?" Most of the stores looked pitch black inside.

"Yeah. It's only 8:30 Dani. Me and Lucy come here all the time for little sibling dates." Connor smiles at me, and let out a small chuckle.

We turn into a small alleyway filled with LED shop signs. Connor pulls me down to the one covered in pink. The sign said in thick pink letters 'Sweet Tooth Froyo'.

"Frozen yogurt!" I almost shout at him in joy.

"You friends may have mentioned that you love frozen yogurt. I thought it might cheer you up." Connor smiles sheepishly at me.

Letting go of my hand, he opens the door to the small store. It has pristine white floor, which has an abundance of benches and lounges with tables as seating, all of which are empty. The walls are painted a blush pink, and on the ceiling is a big light display of rotating colours and patterns. Covering the right wall are silver leavers with labels on top of them, telling you what flavour is which, and then on the back wall is a large table filled with all sorts of toppings.

"How have I never found this place?" I say in wonderment. My stomach feels as though it will soon be in heaven, and my mouth starts watering. But my hand is cold from the lack of contact.

"I don't know." Connor walks over to the line of flavours and picks up two large cups.

"What do you want?" His eyes flash to me, they too were filled with excitement.

"I don't know... surprise me?" There were just too many options.

Connor's smile turns into a mischievous smirk, as he turns to the wall of levers.

"You shouldn't have done that Norm. I may like having my froyo different to yours." Connor starts to fill both cups up with numerous flavours of the creamy goodness.

"You look like you're doing the perfect job to me. I'm a 'put some of everything' kinda gal." Watching Connor from behind, my mind wonders back to the way his hand felt on mine meer minutes ago. Did it feel the same for him?

"Dani?" Connor looks at me worriedly.

"Sorry. I zoned out for a second. What did you say?"

"Can I do your toppings as well?"

"Yeah. Doing it one handed I feel would not end well..."

Connor starts laughing uncontrollably. The empty room is filled with the warmth of his laugh, easing the atmosphere.

I stand to Connor's side as he spoons in loads of brightly coloured toppings.

"You have given me way too much!" I slap Connor playfully on the arm.

"Don't be stupid. I've seen you eat more than this straight after dinner, and we had dinner hours ago." That's true, when we were younger and friends, we would go to a frozen yogurt store near my house and completely fill our cups, not caring about the cost, and devour it within minutes. Then, go back home and have a hearty dinner, and want more.

In Your CompanyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant