Chapter 2

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Hades pov

I saw percy just before he fell asleep. He had a disbeilveing look in his eyes when he saw me. This wasn't good. I walked out of the shadows helm of darkness atop my head. she couldn't see me yet. i ran behind her hiding in her shadow. i knocked her over the head with the butt of my sword. She fell unconcious at my feet. I untied Percy before sliding him over my back as i stepped into a shadow coming out at apolo's mansion. I didn't bother knocking and ran through the maze of hallways. His Palace was a hospital basically exept he had his personal rooms on the other side. I barged into a room that thankfully no one was in and layed percy down on the bed. I called apolo through mind link.

Apolo i need you now i found percy and he needs medical attention stat! - I all but yell through the link. I made sure to only send it to apolo. He needed room to work without all the others here. I finally understand what it's like to have a family now that percy is back. 3 seconds after i sent this message apolo was in the room. Without pausing he started hooking up machines and saying chants.

Hades i've done all i can he should wake in a couple hours. He was tortured badly but he never gave up. He will be fine. I could not however heal his mind or spirit. Only someone who truely loves him can change him back.- Apolo says.

Call a meeting in the council room. Make sure all the hunters are there. Also make sure that no one knows whats exactly happening till i return- I say walking into a shadow and into my throne room in the underworld. Peresperone was sitting in my throne. I smiled at her glad she'd finnaly come to terms that i didnt want more childern expet for from her she adopted nico. i grabbed her and we flashed to olympus. i made a throne by mine and we sat down.

Percy Jackson and the hunt (2)Where stories live. Discover now