Chapter 2 - The Escape

Start from the beginning

I sprinted out and away from the alley, my head yelling at me in hideous pain. I didn't know where my feet was taking me but finally my legs started aching enough for me to stop. I eventually noticed my surroundings and breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed I was at a marketplace which looked completely out of place in the busy city. But it was exactly what I craved right now. There was a big crowd here so it would be easy to steal something in the heavy mob and it would be insanely fast too. I made my way to a fruit store and pulled my hood down a little more so that only half of my face was visible and covered my eyes. There was an even bigger crowd in front of the fruit store and there was the noise of people babbling on and on about their ordinary, normal lives and their mundane problems. I pushed my way forward through the crowd, thinking of the yummy goodness of apples, flavoring my mouth. The thought of apples suddenly died down as I halted in shock.

Well, what have we got here?

There he was. Right in front of me. He was just standing there, he was just there, like he had been waiting for me to come pick him up and throw him to the wolves in the alley. He looked miserable and upset, grimy and pale from probable days out in the streets. Metal glinted and I glanced down, finally noticing the handcuffs around his thin wrists. They were almost dropping off by how skinny he was.

I shook my head. I couldn't believe I had found him so quickly. I had imagined I would have to go to extreme lengths, for example, check a phone book, go around describing him, et cetera. My mind worked in over-drive, trying to think of a way to get him to come with me without scaring him off. The plan I came up with was horribly, disgustingly, regrettably the worst I had ever thought of.

1. Steal the juiciest goodies I could find.

2. Follow the guy to the police station. Somehow.

3. Free him like the biggest fool ever.

4. Hand him over to the Wolves in the Alley like the heartless jerk I am.

I felt strangely pained at the thought of having to take this guy to be ripped apart by those wolves who deserved to be killed Crucifixion style. I should pair that thought with an evil smirk but I refused to be that heartless. And I was betting on the fact that my evil smirk looked like a hyena's laugh. Well, maybe that was evil enough.

I thrust my hand forward, nervously looking around for any possible onlookers that were looking directly at me or were paying attention to my weak attempts at stealing and grabbed an apple. After thieving around for tthree years, I would expect myself to at least make it out without being caught. I put the red fruit in my pocket and then took another. Two would have to do for now. Three would just land me in way over my head in trouble. I turned to go back as quickly as I had come when suddenly someone grabbed my hand from behind. I tried pulling my hand away but I was too feeble and too exhausted to make any trouble. The person, a woman started crying shrilly, "Thief! Thief!"

Damn, and I didn't even get to be a professional!

The crowd parted and a man in a police uniform came forward. The man was fair in complexion with golden-brown hair. He had dark eyes, both friendly and cutting. The man came forward, glanced at the boy once, gave him a look of disdain and then finally stood in front of me. I gave him a once-over as well but disregarded him as soon as the police was in front of me, cracking his knuckles like he expected me to run.

"Name?" I heard the police ask.

Honesty seemed to be the best policy. "Ray. Ray Ashton."

The boy's head snapped up and he stared at me silently with those green, green eyes. He blinked away the brown locks of hair falling over those beautiful orbs but managed to burn holes in me as he looked me up and down, shyly. His head cocked to one side curiously and he looked so endearing that I barely heard what the police said next.

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