•Silent treatment •

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Caspar's POV:

"-what like pretending to love you?"

His words hurt like 1000 knifes being stabbed into my brain simultaneously. I knew he didn't mean it we never really meant anything when we fought but I still couldn't help but think if he actually meant it this time, maybe he was just pretending.

I tried to look at him in the eyes, to see if I could read them like I usually could and find any hint of regret. His once perfect clear blue eyes had turned a deep shade of navy and it was impossible to see through Joe's blank stare to what he was thinking.

Was this whole  relationship was a lie? No... I couldn't except that Joe would be the person to do that sort of thing but my mind wasn't strait I needed to leave, and fast.

I tried to stay silent as I made up my mind but the word vomit came out all to quickly and I couldn't stop myself from adding fuel to the fire.

The next thing I knew I was down the street from Joe and I's apartment and was now walking the busy roads of London, at night in the rain. I walked past so many restaurants and shops that Joe and I had shared so many good memories in and I couldn't stand it. We would work this out right. What ever it was. How did the fight even start I couldn't tell you, but I know how it certainly won't end. By me apologising, that how.

I walked down some unfamiliar streets until I found a place I knew and was welcome. Oli's. I ran up the many flights of stairs and knocked on his door. Oli certainly wasn't happy to be answering the door to a dripping wet, upset Caspar at close to midnight on a Tuesday but when he saw me he gladly let me stay the night.

We talked it out, I cried, Oli ordered pizza and I explained as much as I could fathom from the last hour.
He saw my points but also how I could have avoided all of this.
"You are getting too smart my friend. You've been hanging around Will too much again haven't you." I joked at all of his suggestions.

I wanted to go home right now and Sort everything out with Joe but Oli thought it would be best if I stayed the night. After all, I had cooled off, but what if Joe still hated me? He grabbed me a blanket and pillow from the cupboard and I slept in his couch planning out all of the possible scenarios that could go down the next day. 


It was about 8am when I woke up on Oli's couch the next morning. Oli was already up making breakfast and so after a quick meal of bacon and egg sandwiches I decided it was a good time to take a walk.

I walked around the shops for a bit before I found myself standing outside Joe and I's apartment once again. Who knows what could be in there. An angry Joe, or worse a crying Joe. Maybe no Joe at all. Or Joe and someone else.

I pushed all of those thoughts aside and creaked the door open slightly and peaked in. I didn't see anything so I slowly made it the rest of the way in trying to make as little noise as possible.

What I was met with melted my heart. Joe was curled up in a ball on the floor. In the space between the dining and foosball table, asleep. I silently walked over to him to get a better look at him. God he was gorgeous when he slept, I don't care how creepy it sounded. But the way his lips would curl into a slight smile or when his hair fell in his face and tickled his nose.

But this time there was no slight smile. It was replaced with a deep frown and tear stained cheeks. What had I done. I didn't want to wake him but I couldn't leave him there. The heater had broke a few days ago and our home was freezing, I couldn't let my baby get a chill. I pulled the blanket off the back of the sofa and gently layer it across Joe's small body.

I also left a note for him telling him that I was at a friends, just so he wouldn't worry. If he even still did. I told him no to come look for me. Half because I needed to get my thoughts together. And half because I was hoping that the defiant person Joe was, would come find me anyway.

I loved him so much, I wanted nothing more to just admit that I was wrong so this could all be done with....

But I can't.

You see, in Joe and I's relationship, I was always seen as the lesser intelligent of the two and Joe was always being proved right. For once, just once, I wanted to be right. If Joe came back to me and apologised saying he was wrong I would be proved right and not feel so dumb compared to my perfect, attractive, intelligent boyfriend.

But I loved Joe and knew that everything being said was not meant, but if I was the one to apologise for the fight I would be wrong and be seen as the idiot... yet again.


So I'm still kinda stuck on how to end this in the next part. So I will put it into your hands. Comment who you want to apologise first and I will do it. If you want me to throw (or gently and correctly place) anything else in there as well feel free to let me know.

Happy reading!

-xX Sarah💎

Word count: 983

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