About A Writer's Desk Critiques

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A Writer's Desk is a help desk functioning to aid writers with their writing process.

A Writer's Desk Critiques is a branch of A Writer's Desk that is offering constructive critiques for stories based on their plot, characters, settings, pacing, flow, mood, descriptions, dialogues, spelling, grammar, punctuation and more. We aim to provide you with valuable criticism that may help you improve as a writer. We won't be discouraging and downright rude in our critiques, however, we will not be superficial either. We will tell you the negative points as well as the positive points of your story and will encourage you to continue writing while improving on negative fronts as well.

We ask the all clients to kindly respect the effort that goes into helping to improve your work. You can do so by following all the rules, respecting your critics and leaving feedback for the services you received.

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