Chapter 6

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I felt a tear slowly run down my face. I walk inside wanting to call him, but knowing with his temper, it wouldn't be answered. I slug into the house, prepared to get yelled at because we have school tomorrow. I peek into the living room, seeing my mother asleep on out black leather couch. I got a blanket from the closet and placed it over her, smiling. I went upstairs to my room with tears still rushing down my face and my nose sniffling. I sit on my bed, criss crossed.  I open up my laptop, and type all my feelings on to my story. I haven't even given the story a title yet, so why does it have followers?

This time, there was a comment other than "please update." 

"Hello Aurora. My name is Emily Ross. You are a beautiful writer. I noticed that you are living in the Chicago area, as am I. I work as a journalist with the Chicago Clock news. Are you interested in an internship with us? If you are indeed interested, please contact me be email. Thanks and hope to see you soon."

Wow, this is amazing! I want to be journalist, and now I get to work with them! Eagerly, I send her a message right away. "I have to tell Blake," I said excitedly, completely forgetting about what had just happened. 

"Blake you'll never believe what just happened," I texted him. 

"What do you want from me, Ror?!?!"

"You're right, I'll leave you alone," I said, my heart dropping.

"No, Ror. That's not what I want. Please don't leave me alone.. I'm lost without you."

I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. "Skype me. I need to tell you something."

I log into skype, seeing I have a friend request. Adam Lynch. 16. USA. I accept and wait for Blake to come online. Instead, I get a call from Adam. I reject the call. Then I get a new message.. from Adam.

"Are you ignoring me?"

I sigh, annoyed. "No, Blake and I are fighting and we're trying to work it out."

Finally, Blake is online. He calls me first, and I smile as I click answer.

"Hey," he says in a deep, tired voice. I had to admit, it was very attractive.

"Hey," I said looking up at his tear streaked face. "Aw, oh my gosh, Blake. Have you been crying?"

"Have you?" He said confused looking at my red eyes.

"Because I do have feelings for you. Since third grade, October-"

"5th," he interrupted. "I've liked you since then too. And I was fine keeping a secret until that ass Adam came into your life. I just- I- I was jealous."

"I love you, Blake."

"I love you, too."

New message from Adam. "Sorry, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner with me tomorrow night. Pick you up a 7:00?"

"Sounds great," I said feeling guilty, but this guilt was enjoyable. Some one actually likes me. Scratch that. Two people. And yes, I was going to take advantage of this. 

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