chapter 2

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After buying 3 new sport shorts, 4 sport t-shirts, 3 pairs of jeans, 4 new tops, and one new pair of sneakers, I was finally done.  I checked the time.  It was around dinner time. I decided on going home instead of out since I just got home and all.  Putting the shopping bags into the back seat, I get in and drive home.  Pulling into the drive way, I grab the bags and hoist them inside, heading straight up stairs. 

“Dinner in 5.  Good timing.” My dad calls.  I don’t respond.  As I’m unloading the bags, I hear the pitter patter of tiny feet running up the stairs.  Gracie.  She knocks on the door but comes right in anyway.  I chuckle lightly to myself and smile.

“What Lydia doing?” she asks, plopping down on the bed. 

“Lydia went shopping and got new clothes.” I smile and explain, showing her the items.

“Oh.  I likey shoes.  Nice!”  She squeals as she admires the shoes. 

“Dinner!” dad calls from downstairs.  I take the shoes back and put them back away, along with the clothes back into the bags.  Shoving them into my closet I follow Gracie downstairs for dinner.  The smell of spaghetti hits my nose.  I look into the pot.  Spaghetti with pink sauce.  Smells good.  I fill my bowl and fill a glass with water and sit down and begin to eat. 

“So what did you do today?” My dad inquires.  Of course.  We just need to be social when eating. I was going to ignore him but didn’t want Gracie to see and think she can do that too. 

“Got some lunch at the Blue Bell.  Told some ass-uh donkey to get out of there because he was being rude to Duncan.  Went shopping afterwards.”  I had to correct my language now if I was going to around Gracie for right now. Didn’t want her swearing either. 

“Sounds fun.  What did you buy?”  Why are we even talking about this?  I hate talking with him.  It’s just so forced. 

“I got some new sporty stuff and regular day clothes.  New sneakers too.” 

“Oh.  Nice.”  We eat in silence for a few moments but yet again, he feels the need to converse.  I internally groan. 

“So how’s the job search going?”

“It’s fine.  It’s going just fine.”  I wanted to shut down this conversation mainly because I do not like talking to him.  He sighs quietly and eats. 

“More please!”  Gracie calls, holding up her bowl. Her face is a mess and makes me laugh. I take her bowl and give her a smile.

“Right away kiddo.” Filling the bowl, I hand it back to Gracie who happily digs in.  She makes me so happy.  I’m not sure why, but I just love her so much.  Maybe it’s because how unaware and innocent she is.  I smile slightly and finish my bowl.  Drinking the rest of my water, I get up.

“Um what are you doing?” My dad asks me instantly.

“Go to my room.” I say.

“No.  You will sit back down and ask to be excused just like Gracie has to ask.” 

“No.  I won’t.  I am 22 and an adult.  I’m not going to ask to be excused from my own kitchen table.” I stare him right in his empty and haunted dark brown eyes.  I could see the anger inside of him building. “What.  What you gonna do about it dad?” I sneer the word.  “Hit me like you hit her?” I scoff and turn and leave, grabbing my keys and rushing out. 

This was exactly why I didn’t want to go home.  I hated being home, except to be with Gracie.  She is honestly the only reason I would come home on the breaks during college.  To see her. Not him. The man that ruined my life.  I hated him and he knew that.  I will only act civil if he does.  I turn sharply into a parking lot and hit my hand against the steering wheel.  At this moment in time, I wished I did something like smoke cigarettes or drank so I could get my mind off of this, but I don’t, so I can’t.  I know what to do.

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