Chapter 22: Home Sweet Home.

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Sapphire's P.O.V. 
        I hugged Opal and Remus goodbye before I got on the train with Lily, Sirius, James, and Peter. We sat in an empty compartment, setting down our suitcases. Lily watched in hurt as Severus walked by to his Slytherin friends.
"Lily, I hate to remind you, but he called you a mudblood. Don't look at him like that. He's not worth it." I told her.
"I know, Saph, but he was my best friend for years. He helped me through Petunia's taunting and learning about magic," explained Lily. Petunia is her muggle sister, who's jealous of Lily for being a wizard, but hides it through taunting.
"Lils, I was friends with him, too. It's why he called you that. Missing a chance is never a reason to call someone an offensive name like that. Forget him, he's the one missing out, not us." I sighed. I admit that I missed him, too, but fate's a tricky thing. Friends change like seasons. You can't take it too personally. 

"What is upsetting you?" Lily asked Sirius after he groaned.
"I wish I could've stayed at Hogwarts, my real home. They hate me. Regulus is the 'perfect' brother and I'm the blood traitor. No matter what, he's perfect, but I can't afford to make a wrong step. I wish I could live in Hogwarts. Or somewhere else." He explained.
"Cruel people." James said, plainly, patting Sirius on the back. He's right. I found it hard to sympathize with him. He was my friend, but a little part of me thought he deserved it, although the bigger part of me thinks no one deserves that.
Peter sat quietly the whole train ride, while the rest of us joked. When we finally got to the platform, I found my parents.
"Hi, mum. Hi, dad." I told each of them as I hugged them.
"Hi, sweetie. Let's go?" My mum asked.
"One moment." I said. "Bye guys! Happy Christmas!" I told Lily, Sirius, James, and Peter.
"Happy Christmas, Saph!" They said, waving. I waved back. We started on our way home.
"More friends?" Dad asked.
"Yes." I said, smiling. Once we came home, I walked up the stairs, with my suitcase behind me. I stumbled into my room, setting my suitcase on the empty bed that has always been there next to me. The space hasn't been filled. Tired, I threw on my pajamas and went to bed. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.
Next morning, I put on clothes that I usually wear at home (picture) and went downstairs for breakfast.
"Morning." I said, grabbing some cereal. I ate with my parents, thanking them after I finished.

I went up to my room and started wrapping presents. When I had just finished wrapping my last present for Lily, I heard voices downstairs. I was unsure of who the new voice was, but didn't want to bother my parents.

"Sapphire?" My mom knocked on my bedroom door. 

"Sweetie, a boy I believe you're friends with just came to the door. He says he was disowned by his family." My mom began. "He has nowhere else to go and under the circumstances, I think we should take him in. You've got the empty bed, so you'll be sharing the room, if that's alright with you." She finished. My mom brought in the suitcase next to the empty bed. Before I could ask my mom who this 'friend' was, I saw him. Standing there, leaning against the door was...

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