Chapter 1(The results of a mistake)

Începe de la început

This was the last thing he needed. It would tear his relationship with Catherine apart - even working relations; and what were they thinking? Matthew thought, capturing a picture with that girl. The woman was fantastic in bed- the best sex he'd probably ever have, but she was far from the beautiful women he'd usually be involved with. She was close to hideous. He didn't know what attracted him to her in the first place... Maybe it was her body, but definitely not her face.

He planned on making people know he was not to be taken lightly; the magazine company was to be the first he made an example of.


Three months later, Kaylyn was at home, still finding it hard to get a job. She plopped down on her sofa and was still moping over the fact that she had lost her job over the most embarrassing thing she ever had to face in her lifetime. She wanted to cry again but the sudden ringing of her cell phone prevented it. She picked it up from the table and saw that the number was unknown.

"Hello," she answered lazily.

"Ms. Fisher, its doctor Morgan," the voice came.

Kaylyn immediately eased up, suddenly nervous to hear what the doctor had to say. After feeling very much unlike herself over the past days, Kaylyn had opted for a check-up and asked that the results be sent to her via mail or call.

"Yes, hi," she responded, with much more alacrity to her words.

"So according to the tests, it appears you're pregnant," the doctor informed frankly.

The breath hitched in Kaylyn's throat, her body going numb as her brain raced to make sense of what the doctor was saying.

"Pregnant? There has to be a mistake. I can't be pregnant."

"You can do a home pregnancy test to confirm but based on the lab results, you are."

Kaylyn was speechless, battling with thoughts of how it was possible. She knew her period hadn't come but it wasn't strange seeing that she'd always have an irregular cycle and she wasn't exactly stress-free over the past months. Her job loss had been one stress shed have to deal with along with her breakup with Marcus that didn't end particularly well.

Wiping her hand across her mouth, a thought struck Kaylyn which left her utterly speechless and nauseous.

Matthew Mayhew was the father.

An hour of crying her eyes out and beating herself up about how stupid she had been for getting involved with a complete stranger, Kaylyn called her best friend simply because she needed a shoulder to cry on and Faith was always a willing participant.

Her reaction to the news was everything expected.

"Oh. My. God, you're really pregnant?" Faith asked, her blue eyes wide.

"Mhm," Kaylyn said, sobbing on her friend's shoulder.

"Oh, honey. It will be OK," Faith comforted, gently rubbing Kaylyn's back.

"It won't be OK!" Kaylyn snapped, easing out of her friend's hold.

"Yes, it will be," Faith reassured softly.

Kaylyn flung her hands in the air out of frustration. "How can you say that? I lost my job, and now I'm pregnant!" she exclaimed. "This is just fucking tragic. I will starve! This baby will starve, she cried. No money, no job, and no dad!" she wailed.

"Wait, what about Marcus?" Faith asked, curiously.

"Marcus is not the father," she provided.

Faith's blue eyes widened to saucers. "W-what do you mean?"

Kaylyn stared at her friend, teary-eyed. "Faith you knew we broke up," she sniffed.

"Yeah but that still doesn't explain shit. Who else could the father be?"

Kaylyn was silent for a moment, contemplating how she would get her words across. Of course, she had filled Faith in on the whole cheating incident, but she had purposely left a few things out like why she was fired and who she had cheated on Marcus with. She had feared to get too in-depth with the details because she knew Faith would make a big deal of it.

Faith held her by the shoulders. "Kay is the father the guy?" she trailed off, wanting Kaylyn to finish the rest while her own shock slowly confounded her.

Kaylyn sniffed, feeling the need to explain everything. "Marcus and I were having problems weeks before. We just weren't getting along and my job was stressing and I-I needed time off from everything, so I went to this club and met a nice looking man. We had sex; now I'm pregnant and he's the father. That's also the reason why I was fired because of bad publicity and the fact that this guy is basically a mogul," she ranted as her lips quivered.

Faith eyes widened. "What? How come you didn't tell me all of this? Who's the guy?"

Kaylyn got up and strolled towards a drawer she had stuffed the magazine in. Dusting it off, she handed it to Faith.

"OMG, you look hideous!" she exclaimed suddenly as soon as she made out Kaylyn's face.

Kaylyn rolled her eyes. "I know. I'm not good at makeup," she bit out and then shook her head. "Anyway, read!"

She watched as Faith's eyes slowly moved over the paper, her eyes widening more with each word.

"Christ, you're fucked," she exclaimed, then slapped her hands over her mouth, trying to catch back the words that had already been blurted out. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that!"

"How am I going to get through all this Fay?" she sobbed.

"Well, you'll have to pay a visit to the baby daddy," she said with a shrug.

"Hell no! The man's engaged and also very famous. I can't just barge in and drop news like that!" she blurted.

"So what are you gonna do? The baby will definitely starve if you don't tell him."

Kaylyn was silent. "I'll find a new job and I'll take care of this baby by myself," she beamed some moments later.

Faith scoffed. "You know you can't do that shit alone and plus, he has the right to know that he's gonna be a father," she advised. "You always see how it goes down in those romance books when the female doesn't tell the guy and then years later he finds out and wants to take some revenge along with the child. Do you want some rich guy to take revenge on you years from now, Kay? I don't think so," she said with a raised brow.

"Can't you see what's happening?! You, my friend are a lucky woman," she said with a wide grin.

"I think you fail to see the seriousness in the situation," Kaylyn said, rolling her eyes.

"Matthew Mayhew is the father of your unborn child. One doesn't get luckier than that." Tomorrow you're going to pay him a visit, Faith smiled.

Kaylyn swallowed hard.


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