"Thaddeus, I thought you already know. Yesterday, when she fainted I found that she is carrying your heir. It is one of the reasons her body is weak unlike before." She answered with a sigh.

I just stood there in shock, did she know this? Of course she does, that's why she won't let me tickle her. I can't believe she would hide something this big to me. But then, I don't know if I'm ready to have another child.


Rosalinda still haven't left the bathroom making me worried. What if she has a problem, and she just won't tell me?

I won't let that happen, so I knocked the door of our room down. When I saw her she's just sitting on the bed staring at something. She look so serious and nervous that I felt the same way just by the sight of her.

She looked up, "Thaddy, I have to tell you something."

"What's the problem mi amore? I got worried when you won't open the door." I replied as I sat beside her.

She sighed and gave me an object that is white and rectangle shaped. I gave her a confuse look and looked down. My eyes widened in surprise, I'm holding a pregnancy test. The result is positive, meaning I am finally having my heir.

"I just found out awhile ago because I kept on vomiting. I had my suspicions so I bought a pregnancy test just to confirm it and I was right." She admitted, giving me a soft smile.

I didn't say anything and just swirled her around while laughing. She just giggled and hugged me tight.

"Our dreams are finally coming true Thaddy. We're having our family." She whispered to my ear.

"I know mi amore."

End of Flashback

But on her 4th month of pregnancy, I found her dead in the woods. That's why I hated my brother so much, he killed two persons that I loved. And I promised he would pay.

Thaddeus, stop it. She's finally having our child, we need to stop remembering them. Orion snapped.

I growled at him, Oh shut it! As if you haven't made a mistake in the past. You are the reason why they're our second mate!

How dare you, I did what I thought was right at that time. I don't know this would be the situation if I did what I did.

He cut off the connection making me growl out in frustration. Even my wolf is siding with Selena. And I know that this time, I need to find a way to protect my child and mate.

"Thaddeus, THADDEUS!" I was snapped out of my train of thoughts.

I turned around to see Geneviva still standing in front of me, crossed armed.

I glared at her, "Shh you might wake her up!"

She rolled her eyes, "Fine, but we need to talk about her condition. I know that awhile ago, you were remembering Rosalinda... and the child."

I sighed and nodded, "Stop it, focus on your present couz. It will be for the best and you know it."

Then I heard a small movement and I snapped my head in her direction. She had a look of confusion, so I ordered Geneviva out.

I laughed bitterly, "When will you tell me that you're carrying my child Sel?" Her eyes widened, "When I'm going to war?"

Yo wolfies!

Soooo I don't have anything to say about this chapter. That new cover is still made by leggingsgirlntion a user

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