Part 4

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Sophie's P.O.V

I'd woke up the next morning, smiling about how Jai brought me tickets to see The Wanted, i was over the moon. He is the perfect boyfriend. I sat up and put my legs down so i could sit on my bed, i stood on something, i looked down and it was my phone. My cat was sat right next to the phone, staring at me, i picked her up and gave her a huge cuddle. I picked up my phone to see if i'd done any damage to it, thank gosh i hadn't. I saw that I had a missed call for Jai and 4 text messages, i started to get really worried. I went into my contacts and pressed 'call', he didn't answer, this is when i started to get even more worried. I tried him again and he answered this time, he answered saying "Yes, sorry baby I was asleep, did you get my texts?" he said in his deep and croaky morning voice.

"Yes, they said 'can't wait to see you Thursday baby', i don't get it? We've not arranged anything for Thursday?"i said in a confused tone. "Aren't we? Really? Ooops, my mistake, i thought we were, urm well anyways i better go now bye love you".

He put the phone down on me so fast, what's going on? I was so puzzled and really wanted to know what was going on.

The rest of that day I didn't speak to him, i just sat with my cat on the sofa and watched films all day eating popcorn. It was weird because normally he texts me.

Before i went to bed i decided to send him a text message, it said 'Night baby, i love you, sweet dreams xx'

I waited up for about an hour, waiting to see if i got a reply and i got nothing, the only text message i got was from my mum telling me to turn down my music. I gave up waiting for a text message back and just went straight to sleep. 

-the next day-

I woke up late this morning because i went to sleep late last night, as soon as i woke up, i looked straight at my phone, and still..nothing, So i decided that I would go round to his. I threw on the clothes that were closest to me, brushed my teeth and ran out the house. 

I'd finally gotten to Jai's, i didn't know if i should knock or just walk in, so i knocked anyway. Jai's twin answered "Hey Luke, Jai in?

"Urm no he isn't actually, he didn't come home last night, i could text him and ask?"

"Yeah please, he hasn't been answering my texts"

I take one step into the house and then their dog Lala comes jumping at me, i give him a friendly stroke. I went into the living room and sat down right next to Luke. Beau was sat on the other side of the room, on his iPhone looking through fans tweets. Luke looked at me in the eye and said "I like what you're wearing Sophie", "Really?, i just got the closest clothes and shoved them on, but thanks" i said sounding so confused and shocked. "It's ok, you look beautiful", i started to blush, i didn't know what to say to this, but i went along with it "Thanks Luke, you look pretty hot", we both looked at each other and smiled, i saw out of the corner of my eye that Beau was staring at us and then i heard a noise, it was his camera, he'd taken a photo of me and Luke sat right next to each other with our faces so close smiling. I checked Beau's twitter a few minutes later and found the photo of us together, he'd put '@JaiBrooks1 your little slut of a girlfriend is hitting it off with your brother mate, better watch out", i didn't know how to react to this, i looked over to Beau "You're the biggest idiot ever you know that?". Everyone in the room started to laugh, Beau come over to us and put his arms out "Sophie, gimme a hug", i stood up and walked up to him, giving him a hug, he was so warm and cuddly. Luke then stood up "Might as well give me one now then" I started to walk over to Luke, i looked him in the eye and smiled, i gave him a hug, my head leaning on his shoulder, his cheek on the side of my face, i could feel his warm breath on me.

I heard  the door bang, it was Jai. When he walked in he looked so shocked at the fact i was hugging Luke, i stepped away from Luke and let some words come out my mouth but then just sighed because I couldn't be bothered to explain myself to him, when he was the one that went missing and didn't text anyone.

"Where have you been?" me and Luke both said at exactly the same time, we looked at each other and started to laugh.

"I've been to Bradley's" he then ran upstairs after saying this

I turned to Luke, "I thought Jai hated Bradley?"

"Yeah, that's what i thought too" Luke said in a suspicious voice

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