Chapter 2: Goodbye's aren't always granted

Depuis le début

"So you're new?" Lana spoke up this time.

Obviously. I mean we just got introduced to each other. I didn't voice my thoughts because I didn't want to come off rude.

"Yup," I answered anyway.

"How do you like West Fremont so far?," Tanya spoke up again..

I rolled my eyes, remembering my encounter with Kiara this morning. She already got under my skin. She will not make me a punk. If I have to fight every day to prove a point, then that is what we will do. My nose was bleeding slightly after our fight, but no serious marks that proved I was in a fight. Thank the lord! I would be so embarrassed if I had to walk around looking like I got my ass handed to me.

"Bad. I already had a run-in with an asshole this morning!," I sighed. I was really hoping for a different outcome today.

"Ohhhh you mean Kiara," Danielle spoke, "She can be a fucking pain, but nobody can really do anything about it because she basically owns this school."

I scrunch my face up confused, "How so?"

"Because she is fucking rich and her uncle is the principal," Talen finally spoke up, "trust me if she wants you gone, you would disappear in a heartbeat. Like two years ago someone spoke out to her about her being a bitch and she got them jumped and pranked live on facebook. We never saw them again after that." She finished with a shrug of her shoulders.

I sighed again. Guess I'm next...

"Oh well, I don't give a fuck, I'm not about to get pushed around by nobody, especially that bitch," I spoke getting angry.

"Didn't I tell you to watch yourself newbie?,"  The devil herself spoke into my ear, her hot breath sending tingles over my skin. Get a fucking grip, Jasmine. I turned around and looked in her eyes, seemingly unfazed. She held my gaze before her eyes flashed up to the girls at my table. She glared at them, "LEAVE!"

Before I could say anything, the three girls bolted from the table and out of the cafeteria. Kiara and two other studs sat down, taking their places.


"You must not know who I am- " I chuckled and cut her off.

"Look, I don't WANT or CARE to know who you are, so please save your breath and stop wasting my time!," I shouted already annoyed by her presence. Everyone in the lunchroom went quiet and just stared. Nosey fucks...

She just sat there staring at me before breaking out into her smirk again.

She came closer to me. My breath hitched from her hot breath, hitting my neck again. "Watch your back newbie." She looked me in my eyes and then stood up. Her minions stood as well, following her out of the lunchroom. Once they were out of sight I let out a deep breath.


Once I got home, I changed into a black T-shirt, plain black jacket, dark black jeans and some brown boots.

I dialed the number my boss gave me before I left New York.

"Hello?" A deep male voice answered.

"Yeah, is this Damien?" I asked.

"Who's speaking?" He questioned.

"This is Jas, Chris told me to call you?" I stated as if it was a question.

"Oh, the infamous Blasian Jas," I smirked as he said my name. I have a 'good' reputation in the business. "I will text you the address, be here in 20." With that, he hung up.

Love Without A TimerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant