White Rabbit encounter

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"I can walk over to your house after I drop off my stuff, if that's alright with you?" Alice suggested. Sibyl gave two thumbs up.

"Of course. Whatever you can do. I'll be waiting!" Sibyl gave a wave goodbye and skipped home. Alice smiled, happy to have friends who would always have her back. Edith was leaning against a stop sign texting her friends, waiting for Alice to hurry up. Alice tapped her shoulder and the started on their way home.

"So..." Edith said without looking up from her phone. "What did you do at school today?" Alice was surprised that Edith was trying to have an actual conversation with her. 

"My day was very interesting. I had to give a tour of the school to the new exchange students. They were very lively and handsome I must say. I told them about you," Alice responded. Edith didn't really seem to be paying attention, so Alice kind of gave up. A few seconds later, Edith spoke again.

"Jessica told me all about them. She sent me a couple of picture of them," Edith opened up the picture and stared at it with her eyes open wide. "DANG! They are really hot! I want one!" Alice laughed inside. Her sister was at the stage of obsessing over boys. Alice never really cared about that, but she did dream about love. "Jessica has a crush on that one," Edith showed Alice the picture. She was pointing to Peter. "And I like these two!" She showed the picture again and was pointing at the twins. They were the strangest out of the whole bunch. Poor Edith. Alice didn't have the heart to tell her about them.

The two sister finally arrived at their house, and were greeted by George who was working at the dining table on the computer.

"Good evening girls! How was school," he asked looking at some papers in a file of his. Edith plugged her phone in to the charger and sat right next to George. Alice was unpacking her back pack when she heard Edith.

"Alice had a wonderful day. Alice has 7 boyfriends now! She also became a teachers pet in music class, and made the student teacher in the same class in love with her!" Edith snicked. Alice dropped everything and rushed in the dining room to find Edith and George still talking about her. George looked up and saw Alice.

"Wow Alice. It seems you have a nice day at school if I heard Edith correctly," George teased. Alice hated them both. The only person Alice could tolerate in that house was Lorina. She walked into the room holding a plate of cookies for an after school snack.

"I couldn't help but over hear that Alice has a boyfriend," Lorina smiled. Alice knew she meant well, and didn't hear the whole conversation going on. Edith scooted out of her seat and went over to Lorina, grabbing five cookies. 

"Not boyfriend. Boyfriends. There's a S at the end of it," Edith corrected. Lorina never really teased Alice, because she knew it upset her.  George and Edith on the other hand didn't really care what Alice felt. If they saw a chance to tease her, they would. 

"Look, I'm going over to Sibyl's place and then we are walking down to the mall," Alice recalled. Alice grabbed her purse and opened the door.

"Are you sure you're going to Sibyl's," George teased from afar. Alice slammed the door on her way out. She couldn't wait to move out of that house. She never got any privacy or peace. She could never invite friends over because George would embarrass her the whole time they were there. Edith had no rules, and was a brat to be around. Lorina didn't know how to raise her, and Alice's doesn't blame her. Their parents died when Lorina had just got married to George. Since Lorina was old enough, she took in her two younger sisters and raised them herself. 

Alice went to the back garden gate and swung it open. She walked through there beautiful garden Alice loved to do her homework in. There was a little pond, and flowers bloomed everywhere. But today, there was something new. The rose bush had reappeared. 

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