1: The Truth

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She ran the brush through her hair one last time and left the room, about to prepare breakfast for the girls. As she made her way down the corridor she heard a whimpering. Stopping, she turned around and searched for the source of the sound: a small girl, around five. Kate.

"Kate what's wrong?" She whispered soothingly, pulling the girl into a hug.

The girls small face looked up at her, tears running down her round cheeks.

"I miss my parents." Kate replied in a quiet voice.

She pulled the girl closer and whispered, "it's okay, we all feel like that sometimes."

After a while of just cuddling the small child she added, "would you like to help me make breakfast for the others? It's your favourite."

"Pancakes?" Was the hopeful reply, to which she smiled and nodded.

They made their way downstairs together, talking in quiet voices as to not wake the others. Once they reached the kitchen she placed Kate on the kitchen counter and they began to cook together.

"Miss Reid." She looked down at the girl, smiling.

"Yes dear?"

"Can you tell me about how you ended up here?" Miss Reid's smile turned sympathetic.

"Of course, dear." Katy crossed her legs, anticipating a story. She was correct.

"Well, I used to go to a school, a special school that not many could get into." Miss Reid paused to smile. "I had three best friends, their names were Lily, Marlene and Alice. The summer before my last year something awful happened: my parents died. From then on I was changed. I was more carefree because I knew how fickle life was, and that meant that more good things started happening to me. I fell in love. However, there was a war around us, don't worry Katy, it's all okay now. I agreed to pretend to die for reasons best left unsaid. And because of that I wasn't there when my best friends died.

"Im an orphan too, Katy. Everyone I've ever loved has left me alone in some form. And that's why I'm here. So you girls can have a better ending to your stories than mine."

"But Miss Reid, your story isn't over yet."

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