8 chapter

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Ethan's p.o.v;

When I was back home I went into Grayson's room.

This little fucker was making out with Clarissa.
What the heck !?

"Dude what the fuck !?" He looked at me confused.
"What ??"
"What, what ?? What is about Lola !?"
"Ehh ? EHH !? Are you kidding me ?! Aren't you ashamed ? She was your girlfriend. You said you loved her. You know you're cheating on her right now, right !? You just left her alone on the beach !! You seriously back together with the girl who was cheating on you. Lola never would cheat on you. I'm so disappointed Grayson."

He looked down.

"Clarissa it's better for you to go" Grayson said.
"Why ?"

She gave me a bitch face and left.

"Eth-" he tried to say something but I interrupted him.
"No, don't talk to me. Talk to Lola"

Grayson's p.o.v;

"Maybe I don't want to talk to her"
"Did someone shit in your head !? You said you love her"
"Of course I don't love her. She's a bitch. I still hate her !! I just used her"
"Bro what are you saying !? That isn't you"
"It's the truth"
"Like 2h ago you loved her more than anything and now you're saying she's a bitch and that you just used her ?!"
".........." I didn't answered.
"Oh my god" he sarcastically laughed "You're such a big asshole" he continued.
"Fuck off" I yelled at him.
"Don't worry" he went out of my room.
"Where are you going !?"
"Oh so you can fuck her !?"
"I won't fuck her. Only if she want to" he smirked.
I exactly know what he's trying to do.
He's trying to make me jealous.
And it works.

"Go fuck this bitch"
"You know what !? I will" that was the last sentence he said. Then he left.

Soft tears started to form in my eyes.

He was right. I am an asshole. But I'm not some normal asshole. I'm the biggest asshole on this earth.

I love Lola. I don't feel anything for Clarissa. I don't know why I did that !!

Ethan's p.o.v;

Lola's house:

Now I'm at Lola's house. Of course I won't fuck her. I know that Grayson is in love with her. He just.....I don't know.....he has his period.

"What's wrong Ethan ?" She asked confused.
"N-nothing" I can't tell Lola that Grayson was cheating on her. Grayson has to tell her.
"Seriously !?"
"I'm only tired"
"Hmm.....do you saw Grayson ?"
I started to chock a little.
"Where's he ?"
"I don't know" My eyes got big.
Suddenly the doorbell rung.

Lola and I went towards the door.

There stood Grayson.
He was crying.

"Lola" he grabbed her hands.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to cheat on you. We only kissed nothing more. You aren't a bitch and I didn't used you. I truly love you."
"Y-you cheated on me ?" Lola began to cry.
"Didn't Ethan t-" he looked at me with big eyes.

"I think it's better when I leave." I said.
I grabbed my stuff and went towards my car.

Lola's p.o.v;

Grayson and I sat on the couch.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered.
"I-I don't know what to say. I mean we were only dating 1-2 days and you already cheated."
"I'm an asshole"
"You are"
"Please forgive me" he again grabbed my hands.
"Okay ?"
He smiled. He leaned in to kiss me but I pushed him away.
"I forgive you but I don't want to date you."

Grayson's p.o.v;

What have I done !?

"O-oh I understand" I tried to hold back the tears. I tried it so hard that it began to hurt.

"But we still can be friends and hang out, right ?" I asked with hope.
"I guess"
"So that's a yes ?"
I hugged her. She didn't even hugged back. This girl hates me.

She pulled away.
"It's better when you leave."
"Okay but can we maybe hang out tomorrow ?"
It hurts. She wanted to say no.
"Okay bye" I looked at the ground and went towards the door.

"Bye Grayson" I heard her whisper.

Now we're just friends. It will probably be awkward between us.

I lost her.....


It sucks. As always !

Sorry for my English.

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