A Friend

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The next day Johna comes up to me.

"Hey can we stop at my locker again, I'm kinda forgetful." Johna says

I nod and stand up. We both get our lunches out of our lockers and go to the lunch room. We find another deserted table and sit down next to each other. Our table is silent until Johna speaks up.

"So if you don't want to talk to me with words, we need to find a way to communicate to each other."

I look up and into his blue eyes and nod then look back down at my lunch.
"Mabey we should write, you know always have paper handy so we can still talk."

I nod at this, it is a good idea but I don't really want to communicate in any way. Johna quickly pulls out a piece of paper and a pencil, he slides them over to me.

"First question, what's your favorite colour?" Ok he just wants to know the basics about me, I'm ok with that. I quickly write down my answer blue. Once i write that down i slide the paper to Johna. He nods and eyes something down and slides it to me.

On the paper i see the words, same. Favorite food? I answer pizza and slide it back to him. Johna nods and quietly laughs then folds the paper and puts it away. We sit in silence until lunch is over and Johna leaves.

In band I'm sitting in my usual seat reading the music when Johna comes up to me. I didn't see him in band yesterday, why is he here now.

"Hey i didn't know you were in band." He says smiling. I want to say 'i didn't you know you were in band either'. That's weird, i have never wanted to say anything. All i do is nod and look back and forth between my music abd johna.

"Well i play percussion."

Then i do Something i haven't done in 11 years. Something i thought i was not even capable of. I talked. It felt like all of the sudden a wall had been crashed down. And i finally knew why i stopped talking. I was scared. Of what, i don't know, but i was scared.

"That's cool." I say lightly.

As soon as i say it i want to take it back. He will expect me to talk all the time now.

"Oh so you do talk." He teases me.

I nod and go back to looking at my music. He quickly leaves to go to wherever he needed to be for the song we were about to play. The rest of the classes of the day seem to be going very slow. At the end of the day Johna comes up to me.

"Hey wanna do something tonight."He asks.

I smile and nod. I've never been invited to do something before so this is a momentous occasion.

"Ok, what do you want to do?"

I shrug, i haven't ever been asked to hang out with someone before so i don't know what to do.

"We could go to McDonald's and terrorize kids." He says.

I shake my head. That sounds terrible to be honest, why would anyone want to do that. I really didn't have any suggestions. To be honest i didn't really care what we did as long as we weren't terrorizing anyone. Especially kids.

"How about bowling?" I smiled at this Suggestion, I always loved going bowling, not that i went often but when i did it was fun. I nod to show that i like this idea.

"Ok here give me your number and I'll text you the details."

We give each other our phones and exchange numbers. We hand our phones back and take stupid pictures of each other for the contact photos.

We eventually go our separate ways, me staying to walk home and Johna getting on the bus. To be honest i was really excited for bowling tonight. I'm not good at it but it's fun. Then a thought cane to mind. Is it a date? I quickly tried to forget the thought. We were just friends hanging out, it wasn't a date.

By the time i had pulled myself out of my thoughts I was already in front of my house. I walked up to the door and opened it then went up to my room. I threw my backpack across the room and flung myself onto my bed.

As soon as I pulled out my phone i texted Johna

Me: hi

Johna: hey

Me: wuts up

Johna: nothing much

Me: so wut time tonight

Johna: idk what time can u do

Me: anytime works for me

Johna: ok how about I pick u up at 6 and we can go to the local bowling place that's down town

Me: sure see u then

Johna: ok see u then

It's five so i start to get ready. I pick out black tights and a breakfast club shirt to put on. Then i put on my white converse and pull my hair up in my signature style (a messy bun).By the time I'm done its 5:45 so i wait downstairs for Johna and to my surprise he comes a little early.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed make sure to vote and comment please constructive criticism is wanted and if u have a question don't hesitate to pm me.


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