"DAMN IT!" I open my eyes and my body's shaking "Ding ding ding we have a winner!" I shoot a glare at Blake and she smiles at me "So I'm guessing you remember now huh?" I wiggle out of Geo's hold and walk up to her "Why did they attack her!?" I growl out. "Kyle felt that if he got your mom out of the picture he could be there to comfort you. That if she was around that she would be in the way. And well Elivera she just did it to get to you she just hates you. Plain and simple." I growl at her. "There's nothing simple about what happen!" She nods her head understanding.

"Why didn't no one respond from the pack link when I cried for help?" thoughts bastard's could have helped "Kyle and Elivera blocked your pack link. How? I don't know but I can assure you it was a onetime thing. And your pack couldn't smell the rogues because Kyle and Elivera hid their scent" I'll kill them "I thought Kyle wasn't helping though from what I can remember."I look at her confused "That's because when you fell unconscious he started to fight but against us in the begging he just stood there"

I can't believe I trusted that idiot But I still have one question that was bothering me. "Why didn't Leo help!?" I yell when I felt Leo's presence "Why didn't you help her Leo!?" Geo looked at me like I was crazy yelling at nothing. If only he knew "Leo helped as best as he could. When you showed up before your mom was attacked you put yourself in danger too and Leo tried his best protecting you but also your mother. When you showed up you where the rogue's next target. So when Leo noticed that they were going to attack you he ran to protect you. That's why when you fell unconscious that was Leo who ran to push you out of the way. When he put you down in a safe spot he went to go help me with your mom but there where to many that in the end they ended up killing her."

Blake said the last part sad looking as if she was about to cry. I nod understanding her pain. I know it hurt her as much as it hurt me because my mother was her responsibility and she felt like she let her down. There is no doubt that she loved my mother like family. "I tried the best that I could Misty. You have to believe me." Behind Blake stood Leo. I nodded my head. "I understand Leo. As long as you tried." Geo stood in front of me and growled at Leo. I rolled my eyes at him but didn't move. "Goodbye" Geo growled out "Aw leaving already"

I held back a laugh Leo is really trying to piss Geo off its funny "Get. Out" Geo said through clenched teeth. I'd be lying if I said Geo didn't look hot mad. What it's true. "Listen, Geo" Leo says adding a little attitude to Geo's name "The only way we can keep Misty safe is if the BOTH of us protect her along with Blake's help so be a man and get over it." Leo steps forward and Geo gives him a warning growl. "He's right Geo if we don't all work together Misty will get hurt in the end." Blake says standing in between the guys. "Please Geo." Geo gives Leo one last look and nods his head.

"Fine, but try anything stupid and you're done." Leo scoffs at his response "Yea ill keep that in mind" I roll my eyes. If these two don't kill each other before anything goes down I wouldn't be surprised. "Can we head to my house now?" I ask trying to change the subject Blake looks at me with a smile knowingly "Yea lets go" Blake nods and loops are arms together leaving Geo and Leo to walk on their own. Smart.

When we finally made it to my house I noticed a familiar Blake mustang parked in the front of the house. "Oh no, as if I didn't have enough problems to deal with right now." Blake Geo, look at me confused Leo just laughing knowing exactly what's going on. "What's so funny" Geo and Blake say in union. "Nothing!" I narrow my eyes at Leo and he puts his hands up in surrender. I can't help but smile. But as quick as the smile was there it was gone when someone yelled my name "MISTY! BABE!"

I slap my hand to my forehead and turn around to look at who I had a pretty good idea it was. Travis. "Shit" I whispered and Leo laughed. "Shut up, shut up, shut up." I whisper yell at Leo "Now now Misty that's not nice." I playfully punch him in the stomach and he pretends to be hurt and laughs at me. Geo growls but surprisingly it wasn't towards Leo this time it was towards Travis. "Who is he?" Geo growls instead of me replying Leo replies for me "That." He points at Travis

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