The forbidden forest

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Erza POV

I awoke during the night to a roar in the night. I shot out of bed and out of the hotel, I re quipped into my heart kruz armour and summoned a sword
"What's going on?!" "The monsters! There approaching from the left side in the forest!" I nodded and began running "leave it to me!"

Warrior POV

I heard the roar from near my position, I stood up and ran east where the roar was coming from. I saw Erza run from the village in my direction, I knew that I had to be careful otherwise shed mistake me for the enemy but I'm not I'm the one person that will save her from these creatures and once she sees them horror will completely take over.

Erza POV

I ran through the forest, all the wildlife was running towards me terrified. The trees were cast aside and the ground rumbled beneath my feet. I could hear the monster roar and growled
"Re quip!"
I re quipped into my black wing armour and flew up, the monster came into view. A 20ft black and silver monster came into view; Razor sharp teeth, horrible breath, talon claws. I flew to the ground and re quipped into heavens wheel armour
"Dance my swords!"
Several swords flew to the monster, only dealing minimal damage
"Oh no"
I dodged its attack, spikes appeared in its back. It bowed and the spikes flew towards me. I re quipped into adamantine armour but I couldn't get the shield up in time. I braced for impact, a figure flew in front of me and the spikes dissolved.

Warrior POV

I stood and watched Erza battle the monster and was dramatically losing. The monster lowered and I knew if I didn't step in she'd surely die. I jumped down from my tree and ran to Erza, I stood in front of her "wolf shield!" The spikes dissolved and I grabbed her hand "run!" We ran to the west towards my base camp, the monster didn't follow us and once we were a safe enough distance away from it we stopped and continued walking.

Erza POV

The spikes didn't hit but someone was now standing in front of me, they grabbed my hand "run!" We ran in a completely direction to the monster. Once we were further away we slowed down
"Honestly...don't go jumping into a attack like that, not when you have no idea what your monsters strategies"
"Who are you?" The person chuckled "that's not important what's more important is that I just saved your life...although your lucky, he is still a baby the adults are a whole different story" we arrived near a clearing in the forest
"You can stay here for a bit"
"What about my stuff?"
"Don't worry the locals won't get rid of it unless they see your body and know your dead"
The warrior laid down on a makeshift bed and looked up at the sky
"How come I can't see your face?" The person chuckled "so many questions...all shall be answered in time"
I didn't say anything else just patched up my wounds. I re quipped into my heart kruz armour, and sat down on a nearby tree. I studied the warrior, they had a wolf helmet, bulky armour with Wolves heads on the shoulders, no protected on their arms apart from two wrist bracers on their wrist, they wore black shorts and guards on their calves with black boots. I couldn't tell if they were boy or girl, no features were showing signifying what gender they were and they're voice made it difficult as sometimes it sounded male but other times it's female
"What's your name?"
"Shadow? Unusual name but whatever and I'm-"
"Titania Erza, S-class mate of Fairy Tail"
"How did you-?"
"Your a legend where I'm from...the great Erza kind look up to you no more then myself"
"Your kind?" The warrior chuckled "I'm not exactly human per say, I'm part wolf part human...I was part of the guild Wolf Knights"
"Was?" The warrior sighed sadly
"My guild is no longer around"
"Were they disbanded?" I summoned a sword, the warrior shook their head
"No...they were killed, I'm the last one left, they died when I returned from a mission"
"So how come your here?"
"Same reason as earn a living but unfortunately I don't have a guild so I can't receive the award...but when I heard you were coming I figured...perhaps if I survive this will you let me join Fairy Tail?"

The wolf knight-ErzaxOC fanfiction lesbianDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora