Chapter 25

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Your POV
It's been a day after yesterday and Ian hasn't left my side since. Smosh is taking a break from shooting so the crew could spend time with me. Mari was here a lot too. She was always crying but I told her I'll always be by her side. The kids were sad too but they understood it was the way of life. Ian got me anything that I wanted. Food and drinks. Heck, he even plugged the PS4 into the hospital room and the three of us started playing call of duty. 

Anthony came in with a sad expression on his face and gave me a hug.

Anthony: I'm really gonna miss you. Especially the smosh universe.

Me: I know. But I guess God wants me to be like this.

Anthony: God? Since when were you so religious

Me: I've been listening to Flyleaf and Lacey Sturm since yesterday. The nurse said it'll help me believe in God because the singer. Well it's a long story. And then I thought "This is how God wants me to live life and I should respect his choice and go to heaven".

Anthony: Well you've been a good soul so he must allow you to go into heaven.

Me: Well. Anyways. How was your day?

Anthony: Alright. I'm going on a date soon so I'll have to leave.

Me: Oh okay. Have fun.

He had guilt written on his face as he left the room. Ian was just praying for me to live. But he knew it wouldn't work.

Ian: God's gonna take of you baby.

Me: I know. I'm glad you're here still Ian.

Ian: Don't forget our two little ones

He pointed to them scribbling on paper. I cried because I'd never get to see them grow up, meet someone, get married. Hell, I'd never meet my grandchildren. I shed a dramatic single year and Ian wiped it away. Ian kissed me and gave me a reassuring smile.

I felt weak. So I called for aid. They were running tests over and over again. I was felt like passing out.

Ian's POV

____ was out cold. It wasn't good. I'm in a panic(! At The Disco). The doctor finally walked in.

Dr: Mr.Hecox, it appears that ____ is dying. We did not think she'd die this soon. If you have anything to sa-

I ran to her death bed and held her hand and said "___ I want to say thank you. Thank you for being my friend, my partner, my wife. I'm thankful for you with all the times we had. Good or bad. You've stuck with me from thick and thin. You've given birth to two beautiful children. You're my world and everything. You're forever my queen. I love you so much. Rest in peace baby. I love you so much. God will take care of you now."

___: I.....I...Ian....

Me: Yes baby?!

___: I...I love

She didn't say anything else. Her heart rate monitor fell. She's gone...

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