Chapter 2

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"Alo are you sure you can cook cuz I dont remember ever eating some pf your food"  said Alexavier.

"Alexaiver.." Alo was interrupted. 

"Call me Alex please Alexavier is what my parents call me when im in trouble" he laughed.

"Okay ALEX you havent eaten my food because I have never offered" Alo said in a verry bitchy tone.
"I am so sorry your almighty bitchiness" he said in a very sarcastic tone that, kinda got Alo mad but she smiled and said
"All is forgiven peasant".
We were laughing for a good five minutes.
Until out of nowhere my heart just felt joy and screamed him his close. What is this feeling? Who is HE? Were is HE? What is my heart talking about? Anxiety kicked in and i couldn't figure out what was going on and who is my heart talking about. I see a figure of in the distant is a boy and he is alone all by himself in the dark. CREEPY but we just kept walking like he wasnt there. We walked past him.
"Mate" he whispered

WHAT who is he talking about I know it wasnt me my mate is not a hobo looking boy alone in the dark. My mate is Shawn Mendes and thats it.

"Meal" he whispered again runing towards us with lightening speed knocking of Alex and Alo to the ground.

"Whats wrong with you wierdo those are my friends you hit and your going to be sorry" I barked at him letting him know who is in charged until he put his hand on my face the warmth and peace i felt from it. It made me happy and kinda horny.

"Now now baby girl you wouldnt wanta hurt your mate would you" he siad very sexual and he looks so attractive now that he is in the light. Hes not that taller than me and he is supper sexy.

"No I wouldn't want to hurt my mate" What were did that come from I didnt want to say that who is this very very very attractive guy.
Next thing I know our lips crashed into each other with passion tacking the life and air out of me literally. I felt so happy so horny. What is going on i have never felt like this. I started getting dizzy so i tried pushing him of but he is to strong until i broke free.

"Who are you... and who do you think you... are kissing me like that...I dont even know you...and then you called yourself my mate?" I asked while catching my breath.
"My name is cameron, Cameron Dallas, and im your mate"

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