What A Jerk...

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I know that when u die, you're supposed to see a white light or something... But I felt this particular white light shining directly in my eyes. I looked around and noticed I was in the hospital. I wave of confusion washed over me, until I realized what had happened. Addey and I have been in a car crash. I suddenly felt a burning sensation in my upper right shoulder. I turned my head to see what was making it burn  ( a total ouch move) and saw about a 6 inch line of stitches wrapped in white gauze.  I let a few tears escape from my eyes . My mind was swirling with so many questions. Where is Addey? Is she alive? How did we crash? How long have I been asleep? I was torn from my thoughts when a male doctor walked through the door.

Hello Miss... Uh.. Natalye. How are you feeling?
Well, considering I was just in a car crash, not very good I suppose.
I understand.
Where is Addey? Is she okay?!
Your friend, Addey, is in critical condition... But we think she will pull through. Do you need anything before I go check on her?
Yea.. Uhm.. Are my parents here?
Yes.. Actually they are waiting outside the door. Any thing else Natalye?
Yes can I have some pain medication. My arm is like on fire.

I watched him grab a syringe and stab it into my right arm. I immediately felt better.

Is that all?
When can I get the hell out of here? And when can I see Addey?
Im not sure when you can leave mam but you can come see your friend after I check her vitals. I will come and get you when I'm finished. Okay?
Yea whatever. Thanks

He looked at me one last time before he left the room. I rolled my eyes at his back. What a jerk. I thought to myself as I sat up and waited for my parents to walk in.

(Sorry its a little short but I hope you liked it... I will try to update more but I make no promises!! 😘😜😝)

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