Chapter 10: Triangle Love

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It's not looking to good for Dj. "Where it come from" Alex yelled, "Bae, Let me explain" Dj replied; While Alex was sleeping, Dj went an visit his baby's mother Kenyatta. "I went to see Kenyatta" said Dj, "And" Alex replied, "She start telling me how much she missed me" said Dj, "there's more to the story" Alex yelled, "She kissed me and we had sex" Dj replied. Alex started to cry; he slowly move towards Dj with the knife. "Bae calm down" Dj yelled, "I should stab your ass" Alex replied, "Alex I'm sorry" said Dj, "Get your daughter and get out my house" Alex yelled, "I'm not going no where" Dj replied, "ok I'm leave then" said Alex. Dj's daughter start crying, so he rush to the room to get her; while he did that, Alex went to their room and packed his clothes. Dj walked in the room with Dreka (Dj's daughter) in his arms; "Where you going?" Dj asked, "I'm stay with Déjà for a few days to clear my mind" Alex replied, "Alex! I'm sorry" said Dj, "whatever" said Alex. Alex grab his clothes and keys; he head out the door. As he drove towards Deja's house, he received a message from Dj;

Dear Bae, I love you with all my heart. That night with Kenyatta was a mistake. I will be with you forever. I'll let you clear your mind; but remember I love you. - received

Alright Dj- Sent

Alex was so upset with Dj; he didn't care about nothing Dj had to say. Alex finally made it to Deja's house. Alex knocked on the door and Jay open it; "where's Deja" Alex asked, "In her room" Jay replied. Alex walked towards Déjà's room; "Bitch what are you doing here?" Deja asked, "Girl! Dj came home with a hickey on his neck" Alex replied, "Girl! Who put it there?" Deja asked, "that bitch Kenyatta" said Alex. Alex wanted to confront Kenyatta, but he decide to let Dj suffer. "Well boo you can stay here as long as you want" said Deja, "Thank you boo" Alex replied, "Oh yeah, I'm leaving tomorrow morning for a trip" said Deja, "ok" Alex replied. Alex left out of Deja's room, so she could get some sleep; he went to the living room and sat on the couch by side Jay. "So what's up" Jay asked, "Nothing" Alex replied, "well I over heard your conversation with Deja" said Jay, "Yea what about it?" Alex asked, "I wouldn't cheat on you" said Jay, "Ok Can we just watch tv" said Alex, "Yeah Shawty" Jay replied. Jay put the channel on Lifetime; he slowly move close to Alex. Jay placed his arms around Alex's neck and Alex layed his head on Jay's chest; Alex began to close his eyes. Jay turned off the tv and placed Alex's head on a pillow; Jay went to his room for bed.

Next morning, Alex woke up and walk to the bathroom to take a shower; he step in the shower. He heard the door open to the bathroom, it was Jay; "What are you doing?" Alex asked, "bout to get in the shower with you" Jay replied, "I guess" said Alex. So Jay took his clothes off and step in to the shower with Alex; Jay stood behind Alex and start kissing on Alex's neck. "Is Deja gone" said Alex, "duh" Jay replied; So Jay start pressing his dick against Alex's ass. "Oooohhh Jay" said Alex, Alex turned around and start kissing Jay; Jay move Alex's head down towards his dick. Alex began to suck on Jay's dick, "damn Alex! Suck that dick" Jay yelled, Alex stood up and Jay turned him around an bend him over; slowly placing his dick in Alex's ass hole. As Jay move back and forward in Alex's ass, Alex began to moan loud "ooooooohh fuck me jay fuck me" Alex yelled, "I'm bout to come baby" Jay yelled, "oooooooooohhh" Alex and Jay yelled. So they both took a shower; after 10 minutes they stepped out the shower. They dried off; "don't put your clothes on" said Jay, "Why?" Alex asked, "let's go lay down" Jay replied, "Ok" said Alex; Jay and Alex went to Jay's room to lay down. "Bing, Bing" Alex received a message from Dj;

Bae Come home. -received

No, I'll come when I'm ready. -sent

Alex! I'm sorry was a mistake. -received

Ok Dj! Me and Deja bout to smoke ttyle. -sent

Can I come over? -received

No, Me and Deja going out tonight. -sent

Ight! - received

Now, Jay and Alex lay naked in the bed; Alex started to fall asleep, so did Jay. Meanwhile, Dj decide to text Deja;

Hey Deja! -sent

Hi Dj! -received

So where are you and Alex going tonight? -sent

No where! I'm on a trip. -received

Oh ok! So can I go over your house to surprise Alex. -sent

Sure but he's still mad at you. -received

I know, but do you have in extra key somewhere just in case he's sleep. -sent

Yeah it's under my flower pot by the front door. -received

Ok, thanks. -sent

Your Welcome! -received

So Dj packed his daughter (Dreka) clothes for her to go home, He put some clothes to head out the door. He grab Dreka and her things. As Dj drove down the highway, he thought about what he had done. Finally, he made it to Kenyatta's house (Dreka's mother); He open the door to the car to let Dreka out. Kenyatta open the front door, "hey baby" Kenyatta yelled, "hey mommy" said Dreka, "Well I'll see y'all later" said Dj, "Ok" Kenyatta replied. Dj jumped in his car. He drove 50 miles per hour to get to Deja's house; he made it there. Alex and Jay was still asleep in the bed; Dj got out the car. Dj remove the key from under the flower pot; he place the key into the door knob. He checked the living room (No Alex) and Deja's bedroom (No Alex); So he open the door to Jay's room. There he found Alex and Jay; "Alex!" Dj yelled, Jay and Alex jumped up.

Thank You for reading my story❤️ If I get good feedback; I will write more chapters❗️

The Love between Three: A gay romance حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن