1 | The Voice

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Unique, it was utterly unique, the 'myth' your grandmother had told you when you were young. You were always so curious as to how she had met your grandfather, a story quite breathtaking every time you asked.

It was a constant thing—at least it was then—that you asked her to tell the story all over again, as if it had been your favorite bedtime story. "I had never believed it, not in the many years before I started feeling it. You know how everyone has the Force in them, of course, some others are more strong with it... but others, others just have small fragments of its capabilities. And that one ability that I was able to gain, was hearing my soulmates voice speak for my thoughts."

It was astounding, the first time you heard it your jaw dropped. It was unbelievable, how was it possible that your soulmate would narrate your thoughts, and vice versa? In all honestly, you were quite terrified by the thought... yet, it fascinated you, and a small part of you wanted it, the ability to hear your soulmate speak your thoughts. Of course, not everyone was 'lucky' enough to have it. Your parents didn't have it nor your older brother, they found their 'soulmate' the old fashioned way.

"It starts off seldomly... your own voice speaks your mind, but slowly, their voice integrates with your own until it becomes one... until theirs overpowers yours and that's all you can hear."

You could easily remember asking as to how she had found her husband—your grandfather—after all, you can't just go up to everyone in the galaxy and ask them to speak for you.

"Miraculously... it just happens, it's a miracle... a work of the Force. You just run into them, meet them, a natural occurrence happens... you hear their voice and bam, you know it's them. It's quite beautiful if you ask me, the Force works in many ways that not even I know all about... but I must say, the way the Force handles love... it's magnificent."

It felt vivid, as if you had been re-watching the first time she told you the story all over again and you couldn't help but smile to yourself as you lied flat on your back, playing with the ends of your hair. "Soulmate..." You lowly spoke to yourself, the thought of it made you smile, because (as you had hoped for) your grandmothers story was passed down to you.

You couldn't really pinpoint when, but around the age of fifteen was when it all started, the slow introduction of the voice that sounded rather deep and... delightful? Was it the affect the Force had on you? Or was the mans voice simply that wondrous? You weren't sure, but you enjoyed the sound of it.

Once his voice merged into yours, it was as if the man of your dreams had been reading your autobiography to someone—our children? or maybe grandchildren like my grandmother did to me?—you liked to fantasize, even if you knew that wasn't it. Eventually, you had grown accustomed to it that when you had thoughts, you nearly scared yourself when you realized it wasn't your voice speaking them.

"Soulmate..." You repeated once again, biting your lower lip as you turned to your side, tucking your arm under your pillow as you gazed out the window of your bedroom, watching the moon shine down on you. "How do you look like? How old are you? Who are you?" Letting out a huff, you shut your eyes and allowed the sleep you had been avoiding to take you away.

Before, you used to love sleeping, but once you had your soulmates voice in your head, all you wanted to do was think. Think... something I used to hate doing, leaving myself alone with my thoughts.

There his voice went again.

But it was strange, because although you felt as if you thought it, it didn't really feel like your own thoughts.

Furrowing your eyebrows, you simply brushed it off your shoulder as you fell fast asleep—or so you thought. What felt like two seconds of sleep—which was actually two hours as you looked over to your nightstand—a loud bang was heard and gave your heart a run for. "W-what the hell?" Clutching onto your chest as you grabbed a fistful of your nightdress, you looked out the window only to see bright lights exert from over the houses nearby.

Soul Mate | Kylo Ren x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now