Imagine #1: Elijah

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It's Valentine's Day, you're pregnant and he's not home.

(P.S. I know vampires can't procreate but let's imagine they can!)

"Daddy where are you? Mommy's tummy is aching, and she needs something sweet! I miss you! I know that's important but please come home, safely. Baby and I miss you." You finished your voice mail and hung up.

You're so sad, Eli is with Nik and Kol doing something, they didn't want to tell you what it was.

You're babysitting Hope, but thank God she's a good girl, she lets you rest. She's right by your side playing with a stuffed bunny and you are caressing your tummy.

You still don't know if it's a baby girl or a baby boy but your very excited to know. Apparently you're going to the doctors appointment this week. You have a feeling that it's a girl, since what you've read online, your belly looks like the belly you have when you're pregnant with a girl.

"Hope, Auntie Y/N is going to the bathroom, do you want some water?" You asked and she babbled something that sounded like "bata" so you're guessing it's a yes.

She was a very smart girl, like her father, she learned how to walk the other day and now she's almost running! It's so adorable!

You picked her up, you struggled a little because she was a big girl and you're like four months pregnant.

Hayley has always been the stronger one, she's like the badass soldier, and you're like the delicate princess everyone looks out for.

You're pretty sure the baby is going to kill you when your in labor but you're preparing yourself emotionally, you know.

You went to the bathroom, gave Hope a sippy cup with water as she asked.

When you got back to your room your phone started to ring.

"How are my three favorite beings in the whole world? I miss you so much my darling! How are you!? How is Baby? How is little Hope?" His voice almost sang. You agreed to calling the baby just "Baby", you both find it cuter.

"I'm good, Hope is great too! We're playing with the bunny and Baby is moving a lot today. We miss you guys." You said with a frown.

"Awe my darling, we're almost finishing-" He was rudely interrupted by the sounds of neck snapping.

"As I was saying, we're finishing and Niklaus and I will get you and Hope something to eat. We will be home in like an hour." He said and you smiled. Finally! Oh God you missed him deeply today.

"Okay, daddy! We love you!" You said and smiled.

"Goodbye my loves!" He said and hung up.

"Baby! How are you!?" He said throwing everything on the ground as you carried Hope to Klaus and Elijah almost ran towards you.

You noticed Elijah was hiding something behind him. You looked at him and frowned, wanting to know what it was.

He pulled you for a kiss and you giggled, making him smile.

"They're for you!" He said giving you a dozen of red roses from bloom de fleur and you smiled and kissed him various times.

"You're the best!" You said and he knelt and kissed the belly.

"This one is for you, Baby." He said and pulled out another rose, this one was white, innocence.

You're so lucky.

"I forgot about Valentine's Day! But I can wear the cute new lingerie that you bought me a few weeks ago." You whispered in his ear and smiled.

"Oh God, there's a baby in here!" Nik yelled across the room playing with Hope.

Kol was laughing with Niklaus.

"You weren't supposed to hear that!" You said giggling.

"Leave us alone Niklaus!" Elijah said blushing a little, but staying serious and with authority.

"That's why I bought it, gorgeous, it was special for today." Elijah continued and glanced at you and smiled.

"My love..." You started singing a little and looked at him and winked skipping to the bathroom.

"My love.." He answered.

He used his vampire speed to reach you and he closed the door. You heard Klaus complaining but you didn't care.

"It's like 8pm, she'll fall asleep in no time! Stay here!" You cheered and pulled him towards the bed and undid his tie, giving him a kiss.

"I'm getting really good at this!" You giggled and kissed him again. When you turn around he gave you a playful spank and you told him to close his eyes. You went to the bathroom and quickly changed.

"Baby, Mommy and Daddy will have a little fun tonight, we'll be quiet and we'll try to let you sleep. We love you lots." You said and rubbed your belly looking at yourself in the mirror. You're dressed in an off white, with a flowery pattern, loose, dress like lingerie, which looked awesome on your body. You personally like the leathery, tight ones but since you're very prego you can't use that because it can harm the baby. He bought it because he was getting very frustrated and he needed your touch.

You walked out and smiled, he was still waiting like the gentleman that he is.

"You can open your eyes now." You said and smiled. His face was worth millions of dollars. It's been a long time since he'd seen you like this.

"My love! You look ravishing! Like a delicious princess. A true delicacy!" He said and stood up.

You giggled and ran to another random place in the bedroom. You always get very childish when you're nervous.

"I'm going to get you!" He said and started to chase you and a few seconds passed and he coughs you. He grabbed you gently and carried you bridal style to the bed.

"I love you, Elijah."

"I love you too, Princess."


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