Chapter One

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"Hey, Rose!" Rosemary's best friend, Carol Hays, called. "Come in here! I want to tell you something!"

Rosemary groaned. "Carol, I swear to God, if it's about that guy you saw at the store-"

"It's not!" Carol rolled her eyes. "And for the record, he's really cute!"

"Yeah, yeah," Rosemary sighed as she approached the living room.

She and Carol were roommates in their apartment. They had been like that for one and a half years now. Rosemary had known Carol since they were both in the sixth grade. The two were like sisters.

"Right, so while you were gone, I've discovered a new TV show," Carol informed Rosemary.

"And you're telling me this because..."

"I haven't watched it yet," Carol continued. "But I'd heard of it before. It's supposed to be really weird."

"Every show we watch is weird," Rosemary smiled. Carol laughed. "What's it called?"

"The Monkees," Carol replied.

"Monkeys?" Rosemary repeated. "I... Monkeys?" (This was literally my reaction when I first heard of them)

"You already know it's strange," Carol chuckled. "But replace the Y with an E. It's Monkees."


"I've heard one of their songs," Carol said. "They're a band. It's a great song."

"What is it?" Rosemary asked.

"Last Train To Clarksville," Carol responded.

"Never heard of it."

"Me neither, until today."

"We'll watch it together some other time," Rosemary said. "Monkees... That's so weird..."

Carol shrugged. She was about to say something when suddenly, the phone rang. She dashed to the phone, picked it up, and held the receiver up to her ear.

"Hello?" she said. "Oh, yeah, one moment." She held the phone out to Rosemary with a smirk. "It's for you," she sang.

"Who is it?" Rosemary asked as she grabbed the phone.

"Russell," Carol said.

Rosemary smiled. She answered, "Russell?"

"Hey, babe," her boyfriend, Russell Hilton, cooed into the phone.

"You're so cheesy!" Rosemary giggled.

"Why's that?" Russell questioned.

"That bouquet you sent me," Rosemary replied. "What was that for?"

"Can't a guy send his girl some flowers?" Russell smirked.

"I miss you," Rosemary whined. "Are you home yet?"

"Come on over," Russell said. "No wine today, though. We're sticking with grape juice."

"Works for me," Rosemary chuckled. "I'll be there. Bye, love."

After bidding each other goodbye, the couple hung up. Carol folded her arms and playfully wiggled her eyebrows at Rosemary, making her blush.

"Seems you have plans tonight," she winked.

"Shut up," Rosemary muttered. "I'm going now. If Mum calls, just tell her where I am."

"Why should she call?" Carol asked.

"She's been ill," Rosemary said solemnly.

"Still?" Carol said incredulously.

"She's getting better," Rosemary assured her. "Anyway, I've got to go."

"Have fun, darling!" Carol chirped.

Rosemary rolled her eyes yet smiled as she pulled her coat on. "See you."



"Damn it, Peter!"

Mike Nesmith and Davy Jones snapped their heads up in surprise. Their friends, Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork stalked into the room down the staircase with Peter in the lead.

"Oh sweet Jesus, what happened?" Mike chuckled in his Texan accent.

"He broke my drumstick! Again!" Micky complained, holding up a drumstick that was snapped into two to show his friends.

"It was an accident!" Peter defended.

"Oh, sure, but if I break one of your strings, it's not an accident, right?" Micky shot back.

"Will you two quit your whining?" Mike laughed. "We'll get you another drumstick, Micky. Keep your heads together, or you'll burst."

"They already have," Davy said cheekily.

"Alright, alright," Micky sighed. "Sorry, Pete. I guess I'm just stressed."

"Why?" Peter asked.

"With the show and all," Micky shrugged.

"We have six episodes done," Davy arched an eyebrow.

"I know, but just the thought of getting stressed out because of making these episodes makes me feel stressed," Micky said. "Uh... if that makes sense..."

"Don't think about it too much," Davy said gently. He turned to Mike and faked a scared look. "I think you're right! They've burst!"

"We're doomed!" Mike cried.

Micky frowned and threw a couch pillow at him. Mike gasped and jumped to his feet.

"Uh oh," Peter's eyes widened as he slowly glanced at Davy. "We've got company."

"You'll pay for that, Dolenz!" Mike pointed a finger at a cackling Micky.

And soon, the two got themselves involved in a violent pillow fight. Davy and Peter cheered them both on, with Peter shouting, "Come on, guys! You can do better than that!" and with Davy exclaiming, "Fight! Fight to the death!"

Several minutes later, Mike whacked Micky hard in the face, causing him to lose his balance and dramatically fall flat on his back.

"I win!" Mike said happily. "In your face, Dolenz!"

"I'll get you, Nesmith!" Micky panted. "You and your little hat!"

Mike whipped his green wool hat off his head and hugged it close to his chest protectively. "Not on my watch!"

After a moment of silence, Davy flatly stated, "You two are off your rockers."

"Thank you, Davy," Micky smiled.

"Oh, jeez..."

Ok, this is my first Monkees fanfiction, so I'm a bit scared. I don't know how this is gonna turn out, so bear with me! ;)

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