Chapter Nine: Baymax

Start from the beginning

You cocked your head. "What does he want now?" You asked to no one in particular.

Why? Aren't you suppose to be hanging out with Kathryn? :P

A few seconds later, you received a response.
Trouble Maker

Eww no. She's all about make up and dresses, yuck. I'm not gay.

Who knows, you might be questioning your sexuality right now :3
Trouble Maker

Forget it. Don't come to my lab >:C

Snickering, you made a quick change of clothing and headed out, using your window per usual.


You burst into Hiro's laboratory with a smug grin, revealing the younger Hamada sitting on the table while munching on a pocky stick. The sudden slamming of the door alarmed the fourteen year old and nearly threw himself off the table if it wasn't for you tugging him to keep his balance.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you not to come anymore?" Hiro questions, setting the box of pocky down and hopping off his working table.

You shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah, but I wanted to annoy you so, here I am." You replied, gesturing to yourself boastfully.

Hiro faked out a hysterical laugh as he gave you an unamused poker face. "Oh, joy." He cheers unenthusiastically, rolling his eyes heavenwards.

"Anyway, what did you want to show me?" You ask. "It better be cool. I didn't waste time to get here just for nothing, okay?"

Hiro brightens up. "You bet it's cool!" Hiro walks over to a red and white box located at one corner of the room, "Do you still remember the robot I was with when I saved you?" He asks, excitedly jumping on the balls of his feet as his hands automatically moved begin his back look.

You crossed your arms and leaned on one foot, putting all your weight on it. "Kinda. He said he was Baymax or something. Why are you asking?"

Hiro stared at you with curious irises, his eyebrows raising up in amusement and confusion. Maybe even shock. You heard him muttering something like does she live in a rock? How can she not know us? under his his breathe.

You ignored his comment, as well as your suspicion.

Then out of the blue, Hiro pulls you into his chest and tugged at your hair, causing you to yell in pain.

You rocked backwards and hit Hiro with one of your infamous karate chop on the head. "What the heck was that for?!" You shouted, an eye twitching.

Hiro rubs his head, grimacing when his hand came in touch with the throbbing part of his head. "You violent girl." He grumbles.

You heard something inflating in the room and your eyes revered to the source of the noise. Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when you saw a white robot standing before you, a hand raised in greeting.

"I heard a sound of distress." It declares in a well robotic voice. "May I scan you?" It asks.

"Um. . ." You were not able to respond when the robot gives you a head to toe look before speaking, "Scan complete."

Oh wow.

"There is a minor throbbing pain on your scalp. It is nothing serious but I do recommend you to refrain from touching it." It says.

Hiro advances beside the white robot before waving a hand to its direction. "(Y/N), meet Baymax. Baymax meet (Y/N)."

The robot blinks at the sight of you. "Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion. Because you have been a good patient," Out of nowhere, a lollipop pops from its chubby hand, "Here, have a lollipop."

"Nah, thank you anyways." You said.

Hiro takes the lollipop instead and threw it in a trashcan, just below his table. "This is Baymax. A nurse bot." He says.

"You built him?" You asked, circling Baymax.

"No, my. . . my brother did."

You halted in your tracks and looked down, a sympathetic look gracing your face. "I'm sorry." You apologized.

"I-it's okay." Hiro coughs. "He's name is Tadashi Hamada. He made Baymax a few months back. He said he made Baymax to help others and since he's gone. . . I decided to continue what he started,"

You smiled. "Tadashi must be very important person to you."

Hiro smiles back. "You have no idea. If I could, I would back in time and save him."

I know how he feels.

Baymax suddenly embraced the two of you in one quick movement, squeezing the both of you together in its large arms. "There, there," Baymax spouts as he pats your backs, "Everything will be okay."

You and Hiro glanced at each other before sighing.

"I guess. . ." Hiro mumbles as he stared at you.

Your heart picked up pace and you averted your gaze from him.

"Don't stare at me like that. I might melt." You grumbled. Hiro immediately swept his attention away from you as he huffed, pink spreading across his cheeks.

"Oh shut up."


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