♡valentine special!♡

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Hi guyz! So i'm pretty bored like really.-_- so i made a valentine's special.. since it's valentines and i'm bored.. and the song is just to idk company me? Idk anyway happy valentines!~ nicole_chan
( my street episode )

Nicole's pov
"Eh?... are you sure dante?" "Yes nicole, travis said it was okay if we're only friends since aphmau and aaron, laurence and lucinda, garroth and cadenza, kawaii~chan and reise, are all going for fun well.. except for travis and katelyn..." "fine... but why me?" "E-eh? Well... since your the only one i could think off...*blushes*
t-think off because since everyone i know is pared up..." "suuurreee" "come on nicole, soo.. is it a yes or no?" "Hmmm.. fiiiinnneee" "alright!"
"Alright.bye" and with that i end my conversation with dante.

Dante's pov
Hew.. that was close
*ring* huh? A message.. from travis?

Hey Dante! Me and everyone else are
Already paired up... and also! Zane is paired up with michi so... who's your's?
From: travis

*texting* i'm going with nicole, so i think everything alright now.
And done.

*ring* " you sure your only friends?
From: travis"

*sight* yes... i wish we're more than friends.. A-anyway i should probably start picking which clothes i'll wear.. hmmm...*starts looking around the closset*

At the mall●○●○●○●○○●○○●○●●●○●●●
After the little talk●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●

"H-hey n-nicole, i need to talk with you." I said while blushing

"Sure thing dante!" Nicole said following me near the exit of the arcade.

"U-umm.. f-for the p-past few years i-i
developed feelings for you.. and i-i soo.. i.. um... wouldyoubemygirlfriend?" I said quickly.

"W-what was that?" Nicole said blushing bright red.

"I-i said would you be my girlfriend?"
I said blushing deep red and with my head down.

"S-sure d-dante, but if this is fake i swear i'll make me and katelyn beat you up" nicole said making me look to her sparkling gray eye's

"I promise this is not fake or a prank and if i ever trick you i'll make sure you beat me hard and i deserve it because hurting a pretty girl like you is a big mistake" i said while putting my right hand to my heart.

"Eeekkk! Dancole just happend!!! Yes! My ship is still sailling!!!" Kawaii~chan yelled causing all of the people playing in the arcade to look at us.

"Sorry" was all kawaii~chan said while hidding behind reise.

"Well.. dante, take care of nicole alright! Make sure she's happy or you'll be sorry" katelyn said glarring at me.

"I will" i said while hugging nicole.

"Alright! Love birds let's go to the restaurant! The ladies might be hungry" laurence said while all of them started following travis.

"Shall we go m'lady?" I said

"We shall" she said kind of giggling.
Then we head off to the restaurant

●○●●●●●●○○○○●○●○●●the end●●●○●○

Hey guys! I know this is not exactlty the one happend in the story but hey! This is my fanfic so yeah! Happy valentines! I had a boring one. I only like valentines because of chocolate....

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