day forty-four

26 5 0

Date: 13-02-2016

Free Me

I wish she had killed me when I was inside her
I wish she had gotten rid of me when she had the chance
Rather suffering endlessly
under the cloud of shameful sin
for delivering a 'female'.

She delivered me to a world
that had no space
for the innocence of a girl
doomed to a life of disgrace.

What have I done
to deserve such a fate?
What have I done
to earn such a hate?
to be denied an education
to be declined as dust
and given up for lust?

If I could go back, I would
I would end my life before it started
for what is a life without freedom and honor
without the promise of a future?

What is this 'life' I lead
branded as an ugly mark
on the ever darkening face of society?

What should I do
to end this fight
as a woman of strife
who has no rights?

I wish she had killed me when I was inside her
I wish to be

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