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Hey guys! It's been a while, but I'm back to bring this special Valentine's Day one-shot! Like I said, better late than never, right?

Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Happy [late] Valentine's Day!



"Okay, what does my list say next?" Lucy asked herself as she picked up the piece of paper. Her eyes shifted from her ingredients to her list and back again.

"Chocolate chips...check! Molds...check! Okay, now I just need to heat up my stove."

Lucy walked toward her stove and set it on medium heat. Then she took a pot, quickly filled it with some water, and placed it in its designated area. When Lucy noticed that there was just enough steam coming from the boiling water, she took her metal bowl and placed it right on top of the pot. After that, Lucy grabbed the bags of chocolate chips from her counter and poured it into the metal bowl.

Lucy quickly opened her drawer and grabbed a rubber spatula. Then she stirred the chocolate before it burned or dried out.

As she consistently stirred the chocolate, Lucy hummed a light tune that just popped up in the top of her head.

When the chocolate was perfectly melted, Lucy took out the metal bowl and placed it on top of the towel lying on the kitchen counter.

The next thing to take out was a bunch of bowls to divide the chocolate in. So, Lucy spread out the bowls and poured an equal amount of chocolate into each bowl.

Now that the chocolate was equally divided, it was time to put a little spin on it. Lucy grabbed her list again and started doing a few calculations.

"Let's see..." Lucy said to herself as she tucked in a strand of her hair to the back of her ear. "Levy-chan, Wendy, Juvia, Erza, Lisanna, and Mira-san love their sweets, so it's okay if these batches of chocolates are sweeter than the rest," the celestial spirit mage said as she added a few teaspoons of sugar. Then she grabbed her spatula and mixed it all together.

To taste her finished mix, Lucy grabbed a new spoon from her drawer and lightly dipped it into the mix. A smile appeared on her face when she noticed the consistency of the chocolate. Now it was time to actually try it. As soon as the chocolate hit her taste buds, she squealed with joy.

"It's so sweet! The girls are going to love it, because I sure do!" Deeming these batches to be a success, Lucy set both bowls aside and walked over to her cabinet. She opened it up and grabbed a cutting board. Then she stopped by her refrigerator to grabbed some strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.

After getting all of those things, she slowly went back to her counter and set them down. A quick round of washing a fruits and it was all set to be diced up. Lucy sliced and diced all of the berries in a smooth motion and separated that on her cutting board.

The celestial spirit mage bent down and grabbed three small bowls and placed it on the counter. Then she divided the two bowls of chocolate and poured it into the three small bowls. Once that was done, it was time to add the finely chopped fruit. A different type of berries for each bowl. All the girl need to do now was decide who get what, and freeze off the chocolates in its molds of course.

"Erza and Wendy will get the strawberry batch, Levy and Juvia will get the blueberry batch, and Mira-san and Lisanna will get the raspberry."

After Lucy made her decision, she took out her heart-shaped molds and a pen. She labelled each mold to avoid confusion in the future. Now to actually fill in the molds. One by one, each mold was filled with the homemade chocolate.

Fairy Tail: Flames and Keys (NaLu One-Shots)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat