Chapter Twenty-two

Start from the beginning

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I sat at the table in the kitchen, drumming my fingers on the mahogany before me. Doing this probably wasn’t helping my concentration, but it did help the nerves somewhat.

It seemed like everywhere I turned there was a new problem awaiting my influence. Just one step towards it and it changes your life. Some of them, I admit, I do appreciate. Like the ones that brought Harry and I together.

Those issues felt like hell when I went through them, but now I’m happier than I ever remember being in my whole eighteen years of life. Well, at least the ones I can vividly recall.

The job thing still bothers me, though. All I want is some sort of explanation as to what it is and who he works for. I’d also like to know why that man was so intent on killing me in that alleyway.

However, I have to take baby steps toward getting any answers. We just got into this relationship and I didn’t want to ruin it; especially not right before Christmas.

Okay, I need to focus on my dad right now, that’s my top priority and he’ll be home any minute now. I’ve got so much to say to him and I have it all planned out in my mind. Only thing is, I tend to forget when I’m put under pressure.

The incessant thumping of my fingers against the table was silenced abruptly by the sound of the opening door. My dad walked into the kitchen and draped his coat over one of the chairs.

“Dad, can we talk?” I asked hopeful.

“Sure, what’s up?” He replied.

“You might want to sit down, this could take a while…” I said quietly.

He nodded and pulled out the chair across from me, taking a seat and looking at me expectantly.

“So, I just want to apologise for what I said on Tuesday,” I started off, hoping to have a light conversation about it and not a giant dispute.

“It’s okay, we were both upset and people say hurtful things when they get that way.”

“No dad, it’s not okay. I shouldn’t have said that no matter the circumstances. Yes, I was angry, but it isn’t an excuse to say something so horrid and heartless. You may not be my biological father, but you raised me like there was no difference. You put up with my rough patches in life and still had faith in me after the hospitalisation. I love you dad, and I’m terribly sorry for what I said to you.”

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