Chapter 10: Blood Cafe

Start from the beginning

Phil grabbed Dan's arm surprising him

"I need more"Phil said as he let go of Dan and gulped down the blood. He got up and quickly walked too the kitchen, then there were screams.

Dan, freaking out got up and ran to get Phil. He found him hovering over a lady she looked absolutely terrified.

"Phil stop" Dan yelled.

Phil looked back at Dan and believe me he looked terrifying. His hair was in his face and his eyes turned to a blood red color.

"But Daniel I can't stop, I must feed" Phil said licking his lips

Dan grimaced

Phil looked back at the lady and smiled an evil toothed grin

Dan knew what too do, he quickly went to the storage area of the kitchen and came back with some garlic.

"Hey Phil!" Dan yelled

Phil looked back at Dan and frowned

"Is that garlic?" Phil asked

Dan nodded smiling smug like

"Now Phil I don't want to hurt you, so come over here and no one gets hurt"

Phil looks around and discovers what he was looking for, a silver spoon, he picked it up and showed it too Dan

"Oh yeah well if you get any closer to me and my dinner you dirty dog, I'll shove this in you"

Dan looked at the spoon and laughed

"This must be some sick joke right, what are you gonna do with a dumb spoon"

Phil laughed

"You don't know? Why this spoon is made out of pure silver, which hurts werewolves"

Dan looked at the spoon and gulped

Phil smiled and looked back to find his dinner gone

"Drat you made me lose my dinner, I guess now you'll be dinner"

Phil ran right at him but Dan missed his shot and accidentally cut Phil's face with his protruding nails.

Phil felt the cut on his face and hissed

Dan looked at his finger tips and started to get woozy, then he began to hold his stomach in pain.

Phil shook his head as his eyes turned back to normal

"What happened?" Phil asked himself

He then looked up to find Dan on the floor wincing in pain, he screamed in pain as people started to come in too finally figure out what all the commotion was about.

"Oh no these people are gonna see something that their not gonna like" Phil said bending down to Dan

"Dan calm down please" Phil whispered

"What's going on"

"Someone call the police"

Dan huffed and puffed slowly

"Dan you can't transform here people will see you" Phil said helping Dan up

" is he going to be ok?"a random lady asked

Phil looked at her and smiled

"He'll be fine, it's probably food poisoning"

Phil quickly led Dan out of the restaurant and headed home quickly. As Phil led Dan towards their apartment, Dan screamed in pain again sweat coursing down his temple

"Two nights in a row, why, this shouldn't be happening"

Phil finally got Dan home and locked him in his room, where Dan screamed in pain.

Phil sighed as he contemplated about what just occurred

Did I really drink blood like a savage uncouth monster?

Did I also try to kill my best friend with a spoon?

"I guess mom was right, the blood pastries aren't going to be enough for long"

Dan and Phil: ChosenWhere stories live. Discover now