A Strange Quest

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Lucy POV:
It's been a blissful 2 years of marriage with Rogue and I could never ask for anything else. My children are growing beautifully and their magic power is at amazing lengths already. Today will be the first day in what feels like forever that Rogue and I will be going on a mission. I get ready with my favorite blue crop top and matching skirt, my keys and whip on my hip and my brown boots tied tight. After I'm all prepared to leave I check in on Erza and Natsu to see if they can still babysit the girls. I peer into the room where Erza is training and Natsu is playing with Sky and Layla, I smile and close the door before heading towards the guild hall where my husband awaits.

Rogue POV:
'She is just as beautiful as the first day I laid eyes on her' I smile just thinking about that and as she walks up to me I turn to the job board and start looking the jobs over. "Lucy look at this one." I point to a strange flyer that just told us to defeat a man that's terrorizing a city that's about 4 days from here. "It offers a lot of jewl I think we should do it but it's up to you."I wait for her response but she looks very unsure.
"Lets do it!" she says while pumping her fist into the air which tells me that she's 'fired up'
I chuckle at her and nod before taking the job over to Mira so she could approve it and then we were on our way to magnolia station.


Lucy POV:
It's been 4 days now and we are finally arriving in the town that is getting terrorized. There is no one in sight and it's literally so quiet you can hear a pin drop. "Where is everyone?" I ask even though there is no possible way Rogue could know any more than I do. He replies "I don't know but I'm feeling a high magical presence, I think he's here..." Hearing that makes me shiver a little. We continue to walk around until a mysterious figure appears and mumbles 3 words what happens next is all a blur.... there was a huge magical explosion and I wake up in my own apartment.

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