12 • Calm Before The Storm

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Kali: I wake up with his name on my lips: James. I sit up and wipe the tears from my eyes before looking over at Amber, both of us sleeping in another tree as we follow the man who took Liz. Amber was still upset about Kelsey though she tried to hide it the best she could. Last night I woke up to her whispering Kelsey's name, tears running down her face. I look around the forest, my heart beat quickening when I no longer see the man and Liz. No, no, no! 

I quickly maneuver down the tree, jumping to the forest floor as I pull out my Crimson. I stay crouched down as I move towards where I last saw the man, there being obvious remnants of someone being there. 

"Shit, shit, shit!" I run back to where Amber is sleeping, climbing up and grabbing my backpack. "Amber wake up!" I shake her carefully, Amber's eyes shooting open as she looks at me. 

"W-What is it?" I tell her to get her backpack on and follow me down, both of us getting to the forest floor and moving towards where the man and Liz were. Amber's eyes widen as she moves her hand to her mouth, looking around wildly. "Where are they?!" I open my mouth to answer but realize she isn't looking at me, she's looking at the sky. "Where are they you fucker? Why do you do this to me, huh?! What the fuck did I do to deserve this!"

I pull out the small piece of paper Logan had given to me back before I started this God-forsaken mission. My breath catches in my throat as I remember the blood outside Bay 300, the whole base crumbling. I place the paper onto the ground, whispering the words Logan had told me too. Saying them makes me roll my eyes, smiling to myself at how much he was against the use of magic. A map of the area around us appeared in the air, a red dot to show where we were. 

"Amber." I put my hand on her shoulder, Amber looking down from the sky and into my eyes. I walk over to the 3-D map, pointing at the city in the upper right corner. "This is to the North East of us, it's the city of Bridge Haven." Amber nods and looks around on the map, pointing to a village. 

"What about this village?" As she speaks a name appears above the village. WESTRAY floats in bold above the small village. "Why do we have to look at Bridge Haven if there is also this village, closer to us too." I shake my head, motioning back to Bridge Haven. 

"It is closer but Bridge Haven is the main port on this planet, hence the name Bridge Haven. If the man wants to leave this planet he has to go through ther-"

"What if he has his own ship?" I close my mouth and sigh. 

"If he does he still needs to go through Bridge Haven, their the port of this planet. All ships need permission to enter and leave." Amber shakes her head.

"That doesn't mean he won't leave the planet by other ways. He doesn't have to go through Bridge Haven if he can escape the authorities." 

"I still think we should go to Bridge Haven, Amber. It's our best bet in catching them faster, it's also an Alliance base s-" 

"Oh so that's why you want to go to Bridge Haven huh?!" Amber pushes me back, her eyes flaring with anger. I throw up my hands, steadying myself. 

"Whoa what the hell was that for?" 

"You only want to go to Bridge Haven because it is an Alliance base which means you can finish your mission, you don't even care about Liz or the fact that Kelsey died!" 

"What are you talking about?! I care about them you idiot! I am simply telling you how we can save her and get out of here at the same time!" Amber turns from me, picking up the device from the ground. The hologram disappears as she picks it up, turning back towards me as she holds the paper-like device out in front of her. 

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