I'd choose you over everyone

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Lucas POV

I am fucked.

I am waiting outide the principal's office. Gardner stands close to me but I don't look at him.

I'm thinking.

The teachers called us in almost an hour ago. Gardner and I said the story of our fight from our own points of view.

When we started yelling at each other, they kicked us out of the office.

I can't believe I am waiting again for a decision that will say where I am going to finish high school.

The principal comes out.

He is tall and old and a nightmare.

"Kids", he says.

I try not to think about his sad face or the fact that mr. Matthews wasn't in the office earlier.

"I am sorry to inform you...", he continues.

My dissapointment makes my legs weak but I manage to stay standing. I bite my lip and saty strong. I am going to need strength the next couple of days.

"...that both of you will get expelled because of your inappropriate--"

"Wait!", someone yells behind me.

I sigh in relief.

Mr. Matthews.

"Mr. Matthews.", the principal greets him. "I thought you were sick."

Mr. Matthews looks at us, both his students, both expelled

"I feel better.", he shrugs. "And I think I have a few things to say on this--", he gestures towards us, "subject."

The prinicipal nods.

"Of course, of course", he turns around and gets in the office again murmuring a "stay here" to me and Charlie.

Riley's dad follows him and I can only hope he can maage to change the others' mind. If he even wants to.

Another half hour of waiting with Charlie. No other student shows up. I guess they told them school is canceled. I kind of expected to see Riley or the others but I don't. I try not feel dissapointed.

I wish Riley talked to his dad. It's the only hope I have to stay.

When the door opens, principal comes out again, alone. Again.

I put my hands in my pockets to stop them from shaking.

"Sir.", Charlie and I murmur.

"Gentlemen.", he greets us.

He smiles and I get a little calmer. Oh god...

"After mr. Matthews shared his thoughts with rest of us, we decided to forgive mr. Friar this time and not punish him. Mr. Gardner, please follow me inside."



I want to jump up and down and scream nd laugh when mr. Matthews appears.

"Mr. Matthews", I start but he cuts me off.

With a move of his finger he tells me to turn around and I do.

Riley is there, leaning on a wall with her arms crossed smiling.

She is beautiful in her black jeans, blue T-shirt and jeans jacket. She is beautiful in anything.

By her smile I understand she had something to do with the teachers' kindness and I immediately want to touch her.

I run towards her and she starts walking towards me, smiling.

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