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One plane ride later they arrived in France.

"I am never getting on a plane again." Luke groaned.

"If that's the case, I guess we'll just have to leave you here." Michael joked. Luke ignored him.

"Alright where should we go first?" Lilly asked. Emily looked at her potions book.

"Well, I was thinking that tomorrow we get started on finding everything. It's already eight o'clock at night. Almost everything will be closed. Let's just find somewhere to stay. Tomorrow we can get a good start on acquiring these items."

"That sounds good to me." Tyler stated.

They found a small, cheap little hotel to spend the night. The next morning they got up and were ready to look for some potions ingredients.

"I think it's best if we split up once more so that we can acquire these items quicker. Olivia and I will find the rose, Michael and Nate can get the Adiornette leaf, Cecilia and Tyler can get the Couer fruit, and then Luke, Lilly, and Jade can get the Lukil venom. If anyone sees a cockroach make sure you get it." Emily told the group. "I did some research on where every one of these items are and created maps for you to follow." She handed them to each partnership.

"Wow, Emily, you've really got everything together." Luke complimented. Emily smiled.

"If I really had everything together I probably would have already had these objects with me."

"You're doing great, Emily. Thank you." Lilly told her friend.

"Alright, let's get going." Michael said.

"Wait, just so you know Lukil's are very dangerous creatures. That's why there are three of you in this group. Be very careful when trying to get some venom." She handed them a needle and a test tube. "Good luck."

They group of friends separated.

"It looks like there's an area just right outside of this town that we can go to to find the Lukil." Lilly said looking at the map.

"Ooh this will be fun. It's kinda like a scavenger hunt." Jade smiled.

"Yeah, I guess it is." Lilly agreed. It took them a little over thirty minutes to get to an area where the creature was supposed to be hiding.

"What does it look like?" Luke asked. Jade answered immediately.

"Emily told me that it's a small creature that kind of looks like a frog, but it's furry, bigger, and has really long, sharp teeth.*"


"Let's get looking." Lilly declared.

They looked around the area for this furry frog creature. After about five minutes they heard a hiss.

"Is that it?" Luke asked, moving closer to where the sound was coming from.

"I think so." Jade nodded. They all creeped closer to the noise. A giant frog like creature sat in the grass. It leaped out as soon as it saw the kids. It was fast. The Lukil jumped out at them, baring it's fangs. Luke dodged as it attempted to bite him. Jade tried to get the needle Emily had given them into the creature but she missed as it moved. Lilly tried to hold it down so Jade could get the venom, but she couldn't get it to stay still. The Lukil continued to go after Luke. He stumbled away from the creature as his friends tried to keep it still.

The Lukil jumped on top of Luke who toppled over. The Lukil was very heavy and about the size of a large backpack. It was very surprising how fast it was for its weight.

"Great, Luke, keep it at bay!" Lilly exclaimed as she took the needle from her sister.

Luke struggled with the creature as it attempted to bite him. He tried to hold it still so the girls could get the venom out. The Lukil shocked Luke by taking a bite out of his arm as Luke was trying to keep him from doing that exact thing.

"OW!" Luke screeched. The creature's long fangs left a sickly green mark on his skin. It sung, like someone had stabbed him in the arm. The creature attempted to take another bite out of Luke but Lilly wouldn't allow it. She threw it off her friend.

The venom seeped into Luke's bloodstream quickly. He closed his eyes as he watched his friends wrestle with the creature that had bitten him.

Luke was woken up by Lilly shaking him a few minutes later.

"Luke, wake up!" Lilly screeched, shaking her best friend.

"Lilly, you can stop shaking me!"

"Oh sorry." Lilly stopped. "The Lukil bit you. The venom made you pass out. Don't worry the Lukil's gone and we got the venom. We extracted it from your arm. How are you feeling?"

Luke thought for a minute. His arm no longer stung. It felt numb.

"Alright I guess." Lilly helped Luke to his feet. Jade was holding the test tube with a green liquid inside it.

"Thanks, Luke. Now we can go and make the potion."

The rest of the gang was already back at the hotel when they got there.

"Thank you! Now we can get started on this potion!" Emily said as she grabbed the vile from Jade. She had set a large pot into the middle of the floor. She pored the green liquid into the pot.

Next, she sliced up an oddly shaped fruit and threw it in. She crushed up a tiny bug exoskeleton. It went into the pot. The silver rose was also crushed a minute later when the potion began to boil. Ten minutes later, after it had been boiling for a while, the last ingredient, the Adiornette leaf, was tossed in.

"Now we just need to let it boil for a while." Emily said when she was done.

"How long will it take?" Luke asked.

"One week exactly." Emily said.

"An entire week?!" Lilly questioned, shocked. Emily nodded.

"Emily, we kind of have a deadline here." Michael reminded the short girl.

"Do you have a better idea?" Emily asked Michael. It was clear that they were about to get into another one of their arguments.

"Emily's right. We don't really have any other options. We're cutting it close though." Tyler butted in.

"Meanwhile what are we supposed to do until the potion's ready?" Lilly asked. Olivia piped in immediately.

"Are you kidding me?! We're in France? Do you know what else is in France? Paris: The City of Light! We should totally go sightseeing!" She exclaimed excitedly. Lilly shrugged at this.

"Why not?"

So they decided that for the next week they would go sightseeing as the potion boiled for the next week and everything would work out.

Sorry its taken so long. I was stuck and then I got sick. I had the flu and barely could play on my iPod. It wasn't fun. So I'm sorry it's late. Also I don't really care for this chapter but the next one should get me back to normal (I hope). What do you thinks going to happen in France. Will they visit the Eiffel Tower or Notre Dame? Will we discover what's causing Luke's visions? Tell me in the comments!

*Frogs actually do have teeth. They are just very tiny. You can look it up if you'd like.

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