Chapter 13

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Jacks PoV

I got called into the kitchen I knew she would grass on me bitch I walked into the kitchen and saw my dad looking angry, Rapunzel upset and my mum comforting her I mean she has only been here for 3 days and they already taking her side my mum and Rapunzel left thank god and that left me and my dad

Jacks dad: what did you do
Jack: nothing
Jacks dad: doesn't look like nothing
Jack: look she cries over anything
Jacks dad: you wanted her to stay here
Jack: I know
Jacks dad: then why are you treating her like this

Jack:because I'm a popular and us populars don't give a damn about Rapunzel

Jacks dad: oh so you rather choose the popular life than the life with your best friend

Jack: yes
Jacks dad: some friend you are
Jack: I bet you were the same
Jacks dad: I wasn't
Jack: what were you then
Jacks dad: I stood by my friends side
Jack: lame
Jacks dad: apologise to her
Jack: fine

I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room and saw Rapunzel and my mum

Jack: I'm sorry Rapunzel
Punz: .....

I don't mean it I rather be a popular than a nobody with a ugly cow like her I walked up to my room and slammed the door shut I laid on my bed and called hans I got his number

Phone call convo

H: hello
J: hi
H: Jack how are ya
J: bad
H: what's wrong
J: my parents
H: why what's up
J: they made me apologise to Rapunzel
H: did you
J: I had to
H: why
J: my mum was there
H: ooo feel sorry for you
J: thank you
H: I'll see you tomorrow
J: okay bye (hangs up)
End of phone convo

I put my phone on my bedside table and just climbed out the window and ran to the forest to rapunzels treehouse

End of PoV  

Jackunzel my new friendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora