Book One; Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

Turn your face"

Holy shit she was good! I took a second to look at the audience. Perrie had their full attention. They were completely silent; you could hear a pin drop. The audience was completely consumed in what she was singing.

Perrie was so into the song, pouring every emotion into it.

"Each time I take you back 

You bring one thousand cracks 

And I accept them, like a fool oh

So now what's your excuse 

What do we have to lose 

Since I'm already losing you"

I looked over at Zayn and his eyes were popped out of his head, and his mouth was dropped.

"So hard to face, that I can't feel you anymore 

Hard to face, that I can't see you anymore 

So walk away, until you're not standing at my door 

Turn your face, walk away, and stay

Turn your face 

Turn your face, and stay 

Turn your face"

She ended the song with her eyes closed. The audience was absolutely speechless. After the song was finished, there was a moment of silence.

Perrie wrote that song?! What!! I knew she was good, but not that good!

The audience stood up and roared. They absolutely loved her! She stood up from the piano and took her microphone and said a humble, "Thank you."

The crowd is going nuts.

"YEAH PERRIE! WOOOHOOO!!!" I screamed.

As soon as everyone calmed down, Simon came up, and Perrie left the stage.

"And that concludes tonight's campfire jam! You are all now free to go!" Simon announced.

We all left our seats and went to the side of the stage to meet Perrie.

"YOU WERE FREAKING AWESOME!" I tackled her in a hug.

"Oh my God Perrie! That was amazing!" Eleanor said.

"You are so talented, how on earth did you write that song!?" Dani asked.

"Thanks guys! And well, my dad left us when I was younger, and it inspired me to write this song," she admitted.

"Wow, just, wow," I said.

I looked behind me and saw Zayn staring at Perrie.

"Perrie, I think you have a fan," I smirked motioning to Zayn.

"No..." she looked at the ground slightly blushing.

"Yeah! He was going crazy over you! He wouldn't shut up!" Dani said.

"You guys are such liars!" Perrie laughed, "I think Eleanor has a fan too."

As soon as she said that, Louis came up and put his arm around Eleanor. "Hey babe," he said.

She just buried her face in her hands shaking her head. Perrie, Dani, and I burst out laughing.

"Come on girls! Let's go to the bonfire!" I said grabbing Eleanor's arm saving her from Louis.

"Thank you!" she mouthed after.

The girls and I went over to the fire and made s'mores.

I was casualy eating some chocolate when I felt someone's hands go over my eyes. "Guess who?"

"Oh hey Harry," I turned around to face him.

"Hey babe, so tonight we are having a little get together, you guys in?" He was referring to my friends.

"Yeah, can't wait," I said, "But I was hoping we could get a little alone time," I winked.

"I can make that happen," he offered while putting his arm around me, and pulled me in and kissed my cheek.

"I meant later," I giggled.

"Oh, okay."

We walked over to the girls who were mingling with the boys. We sat down together. I saw Zayn and Perrie were sitting next to each other.

"Oh hey Zayn...Do you know Perrie?" I said to him.

Perrie gave me the 'I'm going to kill you' look.

"No, I do not," he smiled.

"Hi, I'm Perrie," she introduced herself as her death glare faded.

"I'm Zayn, nice to meet you," he said.

"Nice to meet you too," she replied.

"I really liked your performance tonight, you are really good!" he complimented her.

"Thank you!"

I tuned out of the conversation, thinking.

Hopefully this "get together" tonight will be fun. And I can finally get some alone time with Harry.



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